Build 21.1 (Feb 2021)

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Build 21.1 (Feb 2021)

The 7.21.1 Build files are available in the "Products" folder on the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center.


A list of reports as well as Schema files and database scripts updated in this release can be found later in this article.


This build includes the following highlights:


Added mapping to DT_SURVEY.TASK_CODE in the SURVEY.xsd file of Alive Survey Definition formats.

ArcEQuIS – Add-in for Esri ArcGIS Pro

Added ability to select and filter locations on the map and use them as input when running an EQuIS Report or when generating EnviroInsite Graphics.

Addressed consistency with formatting of Table Labels.


Added ability to view all Data Mappings in the Template Designer on the Collect Enterprise dashboard.

Improved error messages for validation and in the Formula Builder in the Template Designer.

Numerous user interface and performance improvements for Collect Mobile and Collect Enterprise.

Hyphens and special characters can be used in signature names and roles in Collect.

Updated Collect Field EDD, eCOC, COC and Form Generator reports.

New documentation article about using Collect on shared devices.


Improvements to the Probes Manager.

Added ability to customize size of text boxes on forms.

Improved quality of printing forms.

Updated EDGE - Field EDD report.

Performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Added missing resources for languages other than English.

Modified the Blank EDD generation tool to treat all columns, except for datetime values, as Text values in Microsoft Excel.

Fixed several lookup issues.


OAuth authentication can be used with Microsoft Office 365 for incoming and outgoing email functionality (EmailDeliver and EmailRetrieval workflow).

Changed automatic caching of formats in Enterprise to be a configurable setting ("isCacheable“).

EZView Widget – Add Share button to give EQuIS users the ability to share key EQuIS information with others via a URL. The recipient does not need to have EQuIS installed or a license to view the information.

Data Grid Widget – Allow users to configure it as a dashboard filter, using the underlying report's parameters as the filters and the data as the filter values. Also added the ability to "freeze" columns, set columns to display values as clickable hyperlinks, and updated Widget Editor to reorder columns using drag/drop instead of up/down arrows.

License Manager Widget – Add copy button for the Network ID to facilitate communication with EarthSoft regarding license portfolio.

User Profile Editor – Allow users to have multiple, comma-separated email addresses; notify non-admin user of entering incorrect current password when changing current password.

Esri Javascript API version updated to 4.17.

Map Widget – Add ability to create a custom basemap using either Portal Items or WebTileLayers.

User interface and performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Improved Spider Diagram Report – No longer generates PRJ files if shapefiles are not generated.

Installation will now include 12 example boring log templates.

Boring Log Template Header – Added option to filter Drill Activity By Event and more Water Table options.

Bug fixes to page layouts.


Added new Merge Template functionality.

Modified Batch Process dialog to retain the root and target folders and the file type to process.

Updated common comparison logic for functions to use actual parameter types.


New Live File Processor widget.

New Live File Processor report, which can be scheduled as an EQuIS Information Agent to automatically load data as often as needed.

Improved performance of Live File Processor agent.

Live Data Computation Agent/Report – Modified data computation process to improve performance and significantly reduce run time.

Enhancements to the Live Historical Chart, Live Chart, and Live Table widgets.


LakeWatch Module – Now available with EQuIS Professional installer (includes LakeWatch reports, formats, and Schema files).

Renamed “Tutor” install folder to “Example”; new boring log template examples in EnviroInsite and Professional installations folders.

Login screen and icon updates.

Updated Config file for expanded Microsoft.SqlServer.Types version compatibility.

Added column configuration options to Action Level Exceedance II Report.

Modified remap functionality so that changes are applied only to an open report, not all open tables.

DQM – Added new checks for Preservation Type, Batch Completeness, and Dilution Factor.

DQM – Created new user interface in the Start Event Form to allow for the manual association of field-collected blanks to "normal" samples.

Performance improvements and bug fixes.


GET /api/reports/{reportId}/data Endpoint – Updated to handle Null (blank) filter values.

Updated to automatically populate ST_RECENT and ST_USER.LAST_USE_DATE on every request with an Object ID.

Schema – Schema update required.

See Schema Files and Scripts section below.


SPM Format – Added facility check when exporting SPM plans in EDP.

SPM Bottle Request Report – Added analytic method and preservative to the bottle summary table.

Updated SPM Planned Task Details Report.

Updated URL for Online Help.

Bug fixes.



Per our Product Support Lifecycle, this release will be supported for 24 months.


Known Issues:

SQL Server 2019 introduced a new user-defined function (UDF) in-lining feature that may cause issues with some functions in the EQuIS database. If you are using SQL Server 2019, the simplest workaround is to keep the database compatibility level at SQL Server 2017 (140). EarthSoft is working on full compatibility with SQL Server 2019 and hope to have that implemented in an upcoming release.

As of 20 January 2021, Microsoft deprecated Bing Maps and this option no longer works in EnviroInsite. EnviroInsite will support Azure Maps in an upcoming release.

The EZView widget “Share” button URL may be missing the site domain when the URL is generated by an administrator user that is impersonating another user. The “Share” button generates the correct URL when used by users who are not impersonating other users.

At the time of the release, no other known issues are identified with this build. Please see for current information.



Report Files


Republishing reports is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after an installation or build upgrade. Below are the reports that have been updated or created with this release. EarthSoft recommends reports be republished for this build of EQuIS if they have already been published to the database.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished). Added report parameters or changes to the DISPLAY_TYPE of report parameters are most likely to affect user reports.




Collect COC – See Release Note d4574 for details.

Collect eCOC – See Release Notes d4337 and d4574 for details.



Collect Field EDD report – See Release Notes d4336, d4626, d4627, d5077, and d5461 for details.



Collect Form Generator – See Release Note d4431 for details.




DQM Event Report

DQM Exceptions Report by EDD
See DQM Release Notes here.




EDGE Field EDD report – See Release Note d4612 for details.




Live Data Computation Agent report – See Release Note d3540 for details.

Live File Processor Agent report – See Release Note d5375 for details.





Action Level Exceedance II See Release Note d4169 for details.


Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) See Release Note d5284 for details.



EnviroInsite Spider Diagram – See Release Note d3961 for details.




SPM Bottle Request Report – See Release Note d4757 for details.



Schema Files and Scripts


The following Schema files and database scripts have changed since the previous build. The locations and purpose of these Schema files are provided on the Database Schema page. For information on applying new Schemas to a database, see Applying Additional Modules/Schemas to a Database.


Alive: SURVEY.xsd

See Release Note d3781


EQuIS Professional: schema.xme

See Release Note d4635, d4654


DQM: schema.DQM.xme

See Release Note d4953


LakeWatch: schema.LakeWatch.xme

See Release Note d4620


Live: schema.LIVE.xme

See Release Note d4755


SPM: schema.SPM.xme

See Release Note d3926


License Database: Script now stored on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads Dashboard, under Products > Additional Resources.