EnviroInsite (7.21.1)

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EnviroInsite (7.21.1)






EnviroInsite: Add More Water Table Options to Boring Log Template Header [d3601]

EnviroInsite's Boring Log Template Designer now has header options for DT_WATER_TABLE.STRIKE_DATE, DT_WATER_TABLE.SEQUENCE, DT_WATER_TABLE.DEPTH and DT_WATER_TABLE.HOURS_AFTER for up to five well readings.





EnviroInsite Spider Diagram Report - Improve prj File Creation [d3961]

Improved the EnviroInsite Spider Diagram Report to generate accurate PRJ files only when needed with shapefile exports. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions: https://help.earthsoft.com/pro_report-publisher.htm?zoom_highlightsub=republish.





Professional and EnviroInsite Installs - Update Tutor to Examples with New EnviroInsite Templates [d4797]

The Tutor install folder is renamed to Example. The EnviroInsite and Professional installations are updated to include new boring log template examples found here:

.\Program Files\EarthSoft\EnviroInsite\Examples\Log Templates
.\Program Files\EarthSoft\Professional\Examples\Log Templates





EnviroInsite Boring Log Designer - Headers - Option to Filter Drill Activity By Event [d4860]

The header section of the EnviroInsite Boring Log Template Designer now includes DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY.DRILL_EVENT and may access multiple DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY records filtered by DRILL_EVENT. Note this new functionality does not affect other sections of the Boring Log. 

Changes also include improvements to table name dividers formatting and drag/drop behavior.





EnviroInsite 3D Layout XML I Save/Load and Editing Do Not Work [d4971]

Importing EnviroInsite Layout templates no longer cause 3D models in the layout to disappear and no longer creates duplicate titles. Template 2D scales and north arrows no longer display for 3D models.