SPM (7.21.2)

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SPM (7.21.2)




SPM Completeness Reports: Fix Duplicate Rows in Analytical Results [d6040]

Fixed an issue in both the SPM - Completeness Table - Analytical Results report and the SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed report where duplicate rows of analytical results displayed due to multiple records with different SAMPLE_TYPEs.





SPM Format: Fix Date Language Issue [d6071]

The SPM format has been adjusted to read and process UK and Australian DD/MM/YYYY CONTRACT_START_DATE structure when creating an SPM_CONTRACT_ID.





SPM Completeness Table - Analytical Results Report: Added Location Coordinates [d6315]

Added Location coordinates in the output of SPM - Completeness Table - Analytical Results report.





SPM_REF Format: Add New Cost Fields [d6594]

The SPM_REF format has been expanded to add more cost related fields.





SPM: Support Schema Changes to RT_SPM_COST_CALC Table [d6595]

SPM Desktop has been updated to support Schema changes to the RT_SPM_COST_CALC table.





SPM Enterprise: Land Access Page Modifications [d6630]

A variety of modification were made to the SPM Enterprise Land Access page, which included:
  • Options to display tabs and have read only location information
  • Additional fields available to add to the grids on the Location and Permit tabs
  • Adjustable column widths within the tab grids
  • Simplify date fields to not include time





SPM_Contract Format: Add Contract Method [d6807]

The SPM_Contract format was updated to load SPM Contract Methods.





SPM Format: Minor Updates [d7041]

Modified the SPM format to add various columns including: 

Additionally, added mapping that populates PARENT_SAMPLE_ID in the Planned_Sample_Result and Scheduled_Sample_Result sections based on the PARENT_SAMPLE_CODE.





SPM Enterprise: Add EQuIS Version Number to Interface [d7057]

Added the EQuIS version number to the SPM Enterprise user interface.





SPM Bottle Request Report: Enhancements and New Options [d7200]

The "SPM - Bottle Request" report has been update by:
  • Adding CONTRACTOR_CODE, Bottle Size, and Bottle Unit columns to the Bottle Summary tab in the report output
  • Adding an option to include location (SYS_LOC_CODE) and sample names (SYS_SAMPLE_CODE) in the report output
  • Removing unused selections from input parameter screen





SPM Desktop: Propagate Selected Planned Sample Fields to Scheduled Samples [d7336]

When the planned sample fields of MATRIX_CODE, MEDIUM_CODE, COMPOSITE_YN, FRACTION and REMARK are updated, the changes are propagated to the scheduled samples if a user chooses to propagate the changes to scheduled samples.





SPM Desktop: Populate Task Type in DT_TASK When Task Is Scheduled [d7343]

When a task is scheduled, the task's type is added to the DT_TASK table.





SPM Desktop: Add Fraction Selection Box to Add Samples [d7350]

The optional fraction parameter is now included on the Add SPM Sample screen. Thus, if populated, is included in the new sample record.





SPM Desktop: Fix QA/QC Samples Propagation Issues [d7353]

Fixed issues where the PARENT_SAMPLE_ID for QA/QC samples were not populated, and in some instances, where the QAQC samples were not scheduled after the tasks were scheduled.





New SPM Laboratory Invoice Report [d7740]

A new "SPM - Laboratory Invoice" report compares estimated and actual laboratory costs.





New SPM Completeness Table - Equipment Activities Report [d8076]

A new "SPM - Completeness Table - Equipment Activities" report has been added to the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll file. The report provides a comparison between the equipment activities that had been scheduled to occur and the data that have been received in the EQuIS data tables.





New EZSPM Format [d8266]

Created EZSPM format, which is a simplified version of the SPM format. The EZSPM format allows users to easily create multiple planned and scheduled tasks, samples, results, containers, and activities with limited manual data entry. This format assumes the plan already exists in SPM and the SPM_CONTRACT_MAG information is already setup.





SPM Desktop: Add Purpose Field for Analyte Results [d8417]

Scheduled sample results (analytes) in SPM can now be tagged, if needed, to describe its purpose using the Contract Method Analyte Groups (MAGs). After the samples have been collected, analyzed, and test results submitted to EQuIS, an Analytical Results report can be produced to select or report on a specific “purpose.”





SPM Enterprise: Custom View on Scheduler Page [d8920]

Added the ability to set a custom view (date range) on the Scheduler page in SPM Enterprise.





SPM Desktop: Copy COC Information in COC Manager [d8940]

Added new functionality that allows users to copy COC information in the SPM COC Manager to avoid entering the same information for reoccurring events.





SPM Enterprise: Update Agreements Tab on Land Access Page [d9004]

Updated the Agreements tab on the SPM Land Access page.





SPM EZSRN Format: Update Format to Support SRN Invoice Data [d9017]

Added the SRN_Invoices section to the EZSRN format to populate the DT_SRN_INVOICE table.





SPM Enterprise: Scheduler Page Showing Duplicate Tasks [d9147]

Fixed a bug where duplicate named tasks could show across facilities in SPM Enterprise Scheduler.





SPM Labels Reports: Correct QR Code Error [d9218]

Fixed an error that sometimes occurred in the SPM-Labels and SPM - Labels (Custom) reports when the QRCode text contained an underscore.





SPM Desktop: Adjust Copy Plan to Function Properly When Sample Schema is Custom DB Function [d9229]

Corrected an issue that occurred with the Copy Plan feature of SPM that used the Custom DB Function to generate Sample Codes.





SPM eQuote Format: Add Method Containers [d9344]

The SPM_eQuote format has been updated to include method containers when loading lab contracts into EQuIS.





SPM Enterprise: Update JSON for Editing Settings [d10177]

Updated the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) component in the Widget Editor to allow users to more easily add and edit SPM Dashboard properties.





SPM Desktop: Fixed issue with SPM Exceedance By Facility Report [d10188]

Fixed an issue where the 'SPM Exceedance By Facility' report fails to run.





SPM Laboratory Invoicing Management [d10222]

Costs associated with laboratory analyses can be managed within the Sample Planning Module (SPM) workflow. Additional tables and fields were added to the SPM Schema to support enhanced laboratory invoicing management using SPM. The SPM_REF format was updated to support new cost fields and the EZSRN format was updated to support SRN invoice data. A new SPM - Laboratory Invoice report can be run to compare estimated costs to actual invoiced costs.