EDGE (7.21.1)

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EDGE (7.21.1)






EDGE: WaterLevel_Purge Well Volume (calc) Not Calculated Based on Purge Calculation Method [d2974]

Modified WaterLevel_Purge Well Volume (calc) to calculate based on selected Purge Calculation Method. Purge Calculation Method needs to be populated for Well Volume (calc) to be calculated.





EDGE: Customize Size of Text Boxes on Forms [d3443]

Added a feature to customize the size of a text box on forms in EDGE.





EDGE: Fixed Printing Issue and Added Total Page Numbers [d3444]

Fixed an issue where printing forms would not fill the page. Added support to display the total number of pages with the page number (e.g., Page 1 of 10). 





EDGE: Add Option to Probe Manager to Keep Most Recent Data at Top [d3447]

Added an option to the Imported Data tab in the Probes Manager that keeps the most recent data displaying at the top of the view grid.





EDGE: Improve Use of < and > Symbols in Field Results Grid [d3682]

Added support for using less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols within the Field Results grid without extracting them to the qualifier.





EDGE: Record Button on Form Ribbon is Selectable After Merging EDDs [d3780]

If a user merged two EDDs in previous versions of EDGE, the Record button in the Navigation group on the Form ribbon would be unselectable, even if there were records. This issue has been fixed. The Record button is selectable if there are records.





EDGE: Check Position of Commas in Field Result Table [d3850]

EDGE will check the appropriate position of a comma with respect to the thousands position for numeric fields in the Field Result table.





EDGE: Able to Set Sample Interval for Probe [d3852]

Added ability to change the Sample Interval for the probe sensor in the Probe Manager.





EDGE: Display Hour in Time Fields with Two Digits [d3853]

Fixed an issue that occurred when the hour was shown with only a single digit in the Time field. The hour will now always be displayed with two digits (e.g., 07:00).





EDGE: Fix Issue Related to Purge Volume Calculation [d4199]

Fixed an issue when EDGE calculates the purge volume. The calculated purge volume value was also being adding to the equipment volume field. This has been corrected.





EDGE: Fixed Issues Caused By Apostrophe Within SYS_LOC_CODE [d4357]

Fixed issues that were caused within EDGE when using an apostrophe within the SYS_LOC_CODE.





EDGE: Improved Time Autofill Options [d4358]

Improved Time Autofill options.





EDGE: Fix Issue with Historical Purge Volume When Changing Purge Method [d4360]

Fixed an issue in the display of the Historical Purge Volume. The value was not being refreshed when the purge method field (CALC_VOL_PURGE_METHOD) was changed.





EDGE: Only a Single Backup File Is Being Generated [d4429]

Fixed a bug where the auto backup only overwrites a single backup file when EDGE is used after midday.





EDGE: Logger Data Not Showing Unless a Result Row is Present [d4432]

When importing logger data, a results row was required to be created before logger rows would be displayed in the sample results grid. This display issue has been fixed.





EDGE Field EDD Report: Location Not Populated in Location_v1 if No Location Record in DT_COORDINATE [d4612]

Fixed an issue in EDGE Field EDD report where a location was omitted from the Location_v1 section if coordinates for the location were not setup in the DT_COORDINATE table.





EDGE: Field Results Calculations Do Not Show After Logger Row Import [d4637]

Fixed an issue where the field results calculations do not show in the results grid after logger data are imported.





EDGE: SYS_LOC_CODE Field Is Read Only on Field Sample Form [d4700]

EDGE will automatically mark the SYS_LOC_CODE field as "read only" on the Field Sample Form.





EDGE: Change Closing Message Options [d4877]

Changed message when users select the Close button to allow choice to save changes or cancel closing.





EDGE: Autofill Time in Error Form [d4879]

Added ability to autofill time by clicking on the date/time box in the Error Form.





EDGE: Solinst '.xle' Probe Files Not Importing [d4880]

Fixed a bug where the Solinst '.xle' probe files would not import.