Professional (7.21.1)

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Professional (7.21.1)





DQM - Add Batch Completeness Check [d1067]

Added new DQM Check for Batch Completeness. The check has three rules:
  1. Number of non-QC Samples exceeded in a batch
  2. QC samples missing from a batch
  3. Analysis time between analysis of all samples in the batch is exceeded





DQM - Add Preservation Type Check [d3130]

DQM now includes a Preservative Check that evaluates whether the chemical preservation for each test method in a sample matches the required chemical preservative as specified in RT_HOLDING_TIME.PRESERVATIVE. The Check has one rule: Incorrect_preservative and one parameter: sample_type_code.





Remap from Reports - Fixed to Prevent Changes to Open Tables [d3686]

When applied from a report output grid, the Remap of the Find/Replace tool was applying changes to open tables in addition to the report output grid. This has been fixed so that when launched from the report output, the remap is limited to the result table/grid of the report.





Schema - SPM - Fix to SPM Schema Causing "Orphan rows exist in..." Error When Not Applicable. [d3926]

Resolved a bug that caused the errors below when attempting to apply the SPM Schema update to an EQuIS database with certain data scenarios.
Orphan records exist in [dt_chain_of_custody_mag] that should reference [dt_spm_contract_mag]...
Orphan records exist in [dt_chain_of_custody_mag_member] that should reference [dt_spm_contract_method]...





Incorrect USER_ID/_NAME and IP Address Recorded in Auditing [d4055]

Fixed bug of DLS rather than ALS user recorded in auditing (problem affected ALS accounts only).





DQM - Blank Checks - New Option for Manual Associations [d4137]

A new user interface was created in the Start Event Form and new functionality was added in DQM to allow for the manual association of field-collected blanks to "normal" samples.





Reports - Action Level Exceedance II - New Column Configuration Parameter(s) for Column Output and Custom Logic Including Action Level Fields [d4169]

The "Column Configuration:" and "Column Configuration File:" parameters are added to the Action Level Exceedance II (ALEII) Report. Users can enter SQL commands to the parameters to customize the results of ALEII Report.

We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.51729.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





DQM - Add REASON_CODE_2 ..._3 to RT_DQM_RULE [d4223]

Added columns REASON_CODE_2 and REASON_CODE_3 to RT_DQM_RULE with a Foreign Key constraint on each that references RT_DQM_REASON
so that they have the same design as the existing RT_QDM_RULE.REASON_CODE.





DQM - Add SDG Status and Ebatch Date [d4307]

Two columns SDG Status and Ebatch Date have been added to the Start Event Dataset Selections Grid for Field SDGs and Lab SDGs. DQM will automatically populate dt_sdg.sdg_status with "Validation Begun" for the selected SDGs after saving a DQM Event if dt_sdg.sdg_status is not already populated for the SDG.





DQM - Add Upper Cutoff Control Limit to Spike and Surrogate Recovery Checks [d4540]

Added DQM functionality to evaluate data for the new Upper Cutoff Limits for the Surrogate Recovery Check and the Spike Recovery Check.





DQM - Add Dilution Factor Check [d4595]

Added new DQM Check for Dilution Factor. DQM will qualify results with a dilution factor >1.





LakeWatch - Standardize with Professional [d4620]

A LakeWatch module is now available with the EQuIS Professional installer to include LakeWatch reports, formats, and schema files with the installation.





Schema - Professional - Move SPM Schema Columns to Standard Schema for DQM [d4635]

For new DQM functionality, added several columns to table DT_SDG (previously added by the SPM Schema) - These are:





Schema - Professional - Add QC_RSD Column "Relative Standard Deviation" to DT_RESULT_QC Table [d4654]

Added the QC_RSD column to the DT_RESULT_QC table to store Relative Standard Deviation.





Professional - User Interface - Icon Updates [d4710]

Icon updates within user interface.





Schema - Live - DT_LOGGER_REMARK.EUID Should be Computed (Based on LOGGER_REMARK_ID) [d4755]

The EUID column in DT_LOGGER_REMARK changed to a computed column that obtains its value from LOGGER_REMARK_ID.





EQuIS Professional in German - Grouped Facilities - Error and Unable to Connect at Login [d4943]

Fixed error that occurred for users using EQuIS Professional in German when clicking on a Facility Group in the Professional login screen. In previous build 7.20.4, this error was fixed for French, Portuguese and Spanish.





Schema - DQM - Add LD_RSD Column to RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS Table [d4953]

The LD_RSD column has been added to the RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table.





DQM - Add Option to Set reporting_detection_limit When Blank Contamination Found [d4984]

The DQM Complete Event Form has been reorganized and three new options added:
1) Add a non_detect_result_qualifiers to Interpreted Qualifiers if DETECT_FLAG = ‘N’
2) Add a non_detect_result_qualifiers to Validator Qualifiers if DETECT_FLAG = ‘N’
3) Set Detection Limit = Result_Numeric (If Detection Limit < RESULT_NUMERIC) and Set RESULT_TEXT & RESULT_NUMERIC = Null.





Config File Updates for Expanded Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Version Compatibility [d5195]

Expanded Microsoft.SqlServer.Types version compatibility, e.g. to enable RDL reports with Microsoft.SqlServer.Types v14.





Reports - Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) - Fixed Worksheet Data Series Sorting Incorrectly [d5284]

Fixed an issue with the Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) report where the charts of the 'plots' worksheet were not correctly pointing to their data in the analytical_results_data and/or water_level_data worksheet(s). This occurred in certain data input scenarios where DT_WATER_LEVEL.SYS_LOC_CODE and DT_SAMPLE.SYS_LOC_CODE point to the same location (DT_LOCATION.SYS_LOC_CODE) but contain different uppercase or lowercase letters, e.g. SS-1 vs Ss-1. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.67219.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) Report - Water Levels Data Series Sorted Incorrectly [d5910]

Fixed an issue where the water level data series of a chart from the Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) Report sometimes did not match its associated data in the water_level_data worksheet due to incorrect sorting in the water_level_data worksheet.