SPM (7.21.1)

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SPM (7.21.1)






SPM Desktop: Update URL for Online Help [d4614]

Updated the link to use the correct online help URL.





SPM Desktop: Custom DB Function Returning String Related Error [d4653]

Fixed a string related error when using the Custom DB Function for the Sample Code. The error occurred when saving a sample added to the task.





SPM Desktop: Contract MAG Edit Screen Freezes [d4655]

Fixed an issue introduced with the 7.20.4 Build where the Contract MAG edit screen would freeze when the edit screen was reduced.





SPM Planned Task Details Report: Not Showing Optimized Tasks [d4658]

Fixed an issue where optimized tasks were missing in the Planned Task Details report for SPM.





SPM Bottle Request Report: Add New Parameters [d4757]

Added analytic method and preservative to the bottle summary table in the SPM Bottle Request report.





SPM Enterprise: Unselect Location on Permits Tab of Land Access Page [d4865]

Fixed a bug on the Land Access Page to allow the user to unselect a location on the Permits tab.





SPM Format: Prevent Exporting Data from Different Facilities in SPM Export EDD [d4969]

Added facility check when exporting SPM plans using the SPM Format in EDP to prevent extracting data from different facilities.