Republishing Reports

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Republishing Reports

When to Republish Reports


With each new build of EQuIS, the question arises, "Which reports do I need to republish?". This question is based on an understanding of the fact that when reports or forms are altered to a significant degree (e.g., with the addition of new report parameters or the alteration of the data type of a report parameter), the report or form, if already published to the database, must be republished using the Report Publisher to have these updates reflected. If such reports are not republished, the report and those that depend on it may return an error on execution.


In addition to the above conditions, it is also appropriate to republish reports or forms to the database whenever the report or form has changed at all, if the client's workflow process does not include installing the full product library on every user's machine.  


Republishing reports or forms is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after EQuIS Professional is installed. The above notes, in conjunction with Release Notes indicating updates to reports and forms, will serve as a guide to which standard reports or forms should be republished.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished).


Note: clients should continue to follow the same installation process as before: e.g., ensure all new report DLLs are present in the Enterprise/bin directory for EQuIS Enterprise to work properly, and install the full Library in EQuIS Professional, if not all reports are published to the database.


Tips for Republishing


Many users would like to keep existing values in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER (i.e. DEFAULT_VALUE, DATA_SOURCE) when republishing a report. There are several possible ways to do this:

1.The simplest option may be to use the arrows on the Report Publisher's "Parameters" tab to retain existing report parameters, as discussed on the Report Publisher documentation page.

2.Another option is to use the Bulk or Batch Publishing report publishing method, in which a Powershell script is used and can be set to retain existing report parameters.

3.For a more manual configuration, a copy of the existing report can be retained while publishing the new report, following steps in Handling Multiple Copies of the Same Report.
*Note that this approach does not transfer user reports or EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs) to the new report, although the Copy User Reports form can be used to transfer user reports.
After creating an additional copy of the report, users can copy report parameter configurations from the old to the new report in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER. Alternately, a script could be run in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to compare the old and new report parameters for the old and new REPORT_IDs and update report parameters.