SPM Contracts Overview

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SPM Contracts Overview

Since field work and laboratory analyses may be performed by contractors or sub-contractors, contracts are assigned to each SPM plan. A contract represents the specifications agreed upon with service providers. For example, a plan may have three contracts, each defining details of analysis agreements with different laboratories. The same contract can be shared between plans. Therefore, contract changes may apply to all SPM plans referencing the contract. An SPM contract includes information about analytes, analytical methods, containers and costs.


Examples of contracts that may exist within a plan are:

Laboratory A – Defines details of analysis agreements with primary laboratory.

Laboratory B – Defines details of analysis agreements with secondary laboratory.

Field A – Defines details of field analysis and observations for internal data providers.

Field B – Defines details of field analysis and observations for external contractor.


SPM contracts can be created, edited, or imported from the Plan ribbon in the SPM desktop user interface.


Setup SPM Contracts

Import an Existing SPM Contract


Components of contracts need to be defined. The following articles provide information on establishing contract method analyte groups (MAGs), analytical methods, containers, and costs.

Import RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP into SPM Contract

Define SPM Contract Method Analyte Groups

Import RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD into SPM Contract

Define Analytical Methods for the SPM Contract

Import RT_SPM_CONTAINER into SPM Contract

Define Containers for the SPM Contract

Define Costs for the SPM Contract

Use Advanced Costs in SPM Laboratory Contracts