Build 20.3 (Aug 2020)

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Build 20.3 (Aug 2020)

The 7.20.3 Build files are available in the "Products" folder on the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center.


A list of reports updated in this release can be found later in this article.


This build includes the following highlights:

ArcEQuIS – Add-in for Esri ArcGIS Pro

Updated the EnviroInsite Spider Diagram Report to only allow a single selection of the Matrix and Fraction fields.

Added ability to view/download Stiff Diagrams by clicking location features.

Added ability to view/download Piper Diagrams by clicking location features.


Added folder view to Template Designer and Data Forms Pages in Collect Enterprise.

Added support for connecting to proxy enterprise servers.

New PIN login for offline working.

Performance increase in Collect formulas.

YSI ProDSS logger support.

User interface and performance improvements for both Collect Mobile and Collect Enterprise.

Updated Collect Field EDD, eCOC and COC reports.


Added option to display warnings (highlight tabs) for errors associated with SPM required tasks.

Updated EDGE Format to allow upload of equipment and parameters in the same EDD.

Updated EDGE - Field EDD report.


User interface and performance improvements.


Grid report EIAs now can be accessed as data sources via the REST API and the Data Grid Widget. Functionality will be expanded to other widgets in future builds. Changed storage of EIA attachment as a Compressed Data Table (CDT) output type.

Enterprise now pre-loads EDP Formats as part of the application startup to make accessing formats more efficient.

Esri Javascript API version updated to 4.15.

Azure Workflow Webjobs can now be started and stopped remotely.

New icons.

User interface and performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Community Edition (standalone) now available for non-EQuIS users.

Geotechnical Module

Added support for lithology components.

Updated the gINT Report to support different folder paths via a parameter for the Bentley data files location.


Live File Processor Agent's data now supports ebatch.

Enhancements to the Live Historical Chart Widget.

New EQuIS Live: Logger Remark Audit agent/report.

Performance improvements.

Online Documentation

New REST API and Vapor Intrusion chapters.

Alive chapter moved from within Professional to the main table of contents.

Power BI Data Connector

The EQuIS Data Connector for Power BI will now work in (requires deployment in a Power BI On-Premise Gateway).


Enforcement of strong named assemblies.

New Ionic Charge Balance report.

The DQM Holding Time check has been modified to allow CAS_RN specific holding time limits.

Improved calculations in the Lithology Chart Tool.

Performance improvements and bug fixes.

Users assigned to the "Admin" role in EQuIS Enterprise now must also be assigned to an ALS role in order to be able to log in to EQuIS Professional. See the Enterprise release note here.


Now supports OData (Open Data protocol).

REST API tokens have been upgraded to support a subject claim, allowing for tokens to be limited to a specific resource (e.g., report, facility, etc.).

All tokens validate that the user who created the token is part of the REST API role.

Updated Swagger documentation.

Performance improvements and bug fixes.

Schema – Schema update recommended

Performance improvements for the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table.

Fixed user notice database triggers.

New fields added for DQM functionality.



Added "flow" as a planned task activity option using the DT_FLOW table and included it as an activity tracked in the SPM Completeness Detail report.

New icons in SPM desktop.

Updated the SPM, SPM eQuote, and EZSRN Formats.

New SPM - Export Lab Contract report.


Per our Product Support Lifecycle, this release will be supported for 24 months.


Known Issues:

We have not currently identified any known issues with this build. Please see for current information.



Report Files


Republishing reports is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after an installation or build upgrade. Below are the reports that have been updated or created with this release. EarthSoft recommends reports be republished for this build of EQuIS if they have already been published to the database.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished). Added report parameters or changes to the DISPLAY_TYPE of report parameters are most likely to affect user reports.




Collect COC – See Release Notes m187654 and m188964 for details.

Collect eCOC reports – See Release Note m190861 for details.



Collect - Field EDD report – See Release Note m183887 for details.




EDGE - Field EDD report – See Release Note m188367 for details.


Geotechnical Module


gINT Report – This file is installed with Professional. See Release Note m186967 for details.




EQuIS Live: Logger Remark Audit (new) report – See Release Note m187266 for details.



Custom reports – All custom reports without strong-named assemblies will need to be recompiled and republished, as the 7.20.3 Build of EQuIS Professional will enforce strong naming of assemblies. See Release Note d865 for details.



Analytical Results II report – See Release Notes d833 and d837 for details.



Action Level Exceedance II (all reports) – See Release Notes d833, d834, and d865 for details.



Ionic Charge Balance (new) report – See Release Note d630 for details.



EnviroInsite Spider Diagram report – See Release Note d611 for details.





SPM - Completeness Report - Detail report – See Release Note m188499 for details.

SPM - Completeness Report - Summary report – See Release Note m188499 for details.

SPM - Export Lab Contract (new) report – See Release Note m190260 for details.