SPM (7.20.4)

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SPM (7.20.4)





SPM Format: Create Scheduled Result and Add Container Data [d1134]

Fixed an issue in the SPM format where scheduled results did not get created. Added support for creating scheduled containers.





SPM Format: Scheduled Samples Need Unique IDs [d1460]

Updated the SPM format to set the Sample ID to be unique when scheduling samples.





SPM Format: Moved to Format/SPM Install Folder [d1514]

The current SPM Format file was moved from the format/SPM_PLAN install folder to the format/SPM install folder.





SPM COC Report: Add XLSM Template Support [d1574]

Added support for XLSM template file type to the SPM COC report.





SPM Enterprise: Manage Display of Pages on the Dashboard [d1778]

Added ability for administrative users to manage which side menu pages are displayed on the SPM Enterprise dashboard and to set a default page.





SPM Enterprise: Add Land Access Page [d2403]

A Land Access page has been added to the SPM Enterprise dashboard.





SPM Desktop: False Result Message When Generating iCalendar File [d2670]

Removed the incorrect error message that indicated failure when the calendar file (.ICS file type) was generated.





SPM Desktop: Batch Date Manager Not Displaying Number of Scheduled Tasks [d2692]

The Batch Date Manager Select Task screen has been corrected to display the correct number of scheduled tasks.





SPM, SPM_Contract and SPM_eQuote Formats: Include Contract Start Date as Primary Key [d2823]

The SPM, SPM_Contract, and SPM_eQuote formats were updated to add the contract start date as an additional primary key (used to check for duplicates) together with the plan code and lab code.





SPM Completeness Detailed Report: Show Correct Scheduled Count in Water Levels Worksheet [d2827]

In the water levels worksheet of the SPM Completeness Detailed report, the scheduled count will now show the user set count when the water level activity was added.





SPM Completeness Detailed Report: Populate Blank Task Code Parameter [d2836]

If the task codes parameter is left blank in the SPM Completeness Detailed report, the report will auto-populate task codes that are in the plan code with a start date within the start and end dates parameters. This prevents extended run times for the report.





SPM Completeness Table Activities Report: Add Option to Include Unplanned Activities [d2837]

The SPM Completeness Table Activities report default has been changed to exclude unplanned activities and a report parameter has been added to include unplanned activities when needed.





SPM Completeness Detailed Report: Display Correct Status in Activity Worksheet [d2839]

Fixed an issue where the Activities worksheet in the SPM Completeness Detailed report output file contained incorrect status values.





SPM Desktop: Standardize Login Screen and Add Open ID User Authentication [d3475]

The Connection screen in SPM has been updated to be more consistent with other EarthSoft Products. Support for signing in with OpenID has been added.