SPM (7.20.3)

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SPM (7.20.3)





EZSRN Format: Increase METHOD_ANALYTE_GROUP_CODE Field to 255 Characters [m188081]

In the EZSRN Format, increased length of the METHOD_ANALYTE_GROUP_CODE field to 255 characters to match database.





SPM Completeness Reports: Adjust Proper Handling of NST Samples [m188499]

Fixed an issue where scheduled SPM samples that are reported by the field with value "No Sample Taken" (or NST) were not being reported correctly on both the SPM Completeness Detail and Summary reports.





SPM Desktop: Update Icons [m188578]

SPM application icons are updated to EarthSoft standard.





SPM: Add Flow as Planned Task Activity Option and Track Completeness [m189359]

Added "flow" as a planned task activity option using the DT_FLOW table and included it as an activity tracked in the SPM Completeness Detail report.





SPM: Add Leachate/Prep Methods to Contract Method [m189833]

Two additional test analysis requirements have been added to the contract analytic method – leachate method and prep method.





SPM Format: Add CONTRACT_START_DATE to All Sections that Reference Contracts [m190097]

Added CONTRACT_START_DATE to all sections in the SPM format that reference contracts:
The CONTRACT_START_DATE field in Planned_Sample_Result is no longer required.





SPM: New Export Lab Contract Report to Export Contract Details [m190260]

A new report to export an existing SPM Contract in Microsoft Excel format. The report output is compatible with SPM's eQuote format, which is used to load eQuote contracts to SPM.





SPM_eQuote Format: Add Fraction, Leachate and Prep Methods [m190433]

Fraction, leachate, and prep methods are added to the SPM_eQuote Format.