Live (7.20.3)

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Live (7.20.3)




Live: Changes to DT_LOGGER_REMARK Table and New Logger Remark Audit Agent/Report [m187266]

Track changes to the DT_LOGGER_REMARK table (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) in the XT_AUTH table, if auditing is enabled. Added new 'EQuIS Live: Logger Remark Audit' agent/report to view changes.





Live NOAA NCDC Agent/Report: Add Atmospheric Pressure Altimeter and Station [m187459]

Added atmospheric pressure altimeter and station series data to the Live NOAA NCDC Agent/Report.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Force Remarks Option When Modifying Qualifiers [m187767]

A remark dialogue box can be set to automatically appear after adding, editing, or removing qualifiers from a Live Historical Chart Widget.





Live File Processor Agent: Add EBATCH Option [m188003]

Live File Processor Agent's data are now assigned an ebatch number when loaded into the database. Thus the data's source file is known, and if the data are bad, it can be removed from the database using the EDD Rollback option in EDP.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Invert Y-Axis [m188199]

The Y-axis can now be inverted in the Live Historical Chart Widget.





Live Agents and Reports: Select All Columns in a Typed DataTable When Getting Data from the Database [m189883]

Updated Live agents and reports to select all columns in a typed DataTable when getting data from the database, so that data in the database is not overridden if the row is updated and saved to the database (e.g., DT_LOGGER_SERIES.SYS_LOC_CODE is not overridden when updating SERIES_ORDINAL using the LoggerNet agent).





Live - Widgets - Historical Chart - Invert Y axis on right(own) issue [m190326]






Live LoggerNet Agent: Only Update File Bookmark if Data Are Added to Database [m190454]

For the Live LoggerNet Agent, only the file bookmark is updated if the file data are added to database. If the file data cannot be added to the database (e.g., due to a database connectivity issue or an SQL bulk copy timeout), try to add it again the next time that the file changes.