Geotechnical (7.20.3)

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Geotechnical (7.20.3)




Update Geotechnical Schema and Format to Support Lithology Components [m184755]

Added DT_LITHOLOGY_COMPONENT and RT_LITHOLOGY_COMPONENT tables to the Geotechnical Schema.
Added Lithology_Component section to the Geotechnical Format, which maps to the DT_LITHOLOGY_COMPONENT and RT_LITHOLOGY_COMPONENT tables.
In a future release, Dt_lithology.remark_1 will update based on information entered in the Lithology_Component section of the format. This will eventually allow users to make mass edits to lithology information.





gINT Report: Different Paths for Bentley Files [m186967]

Updated the gINT Report to support different folder paths via a parameter for the Bentley data files location.