Standard with Live Module

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Standard with Live Module

File Name: EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll

Dependencies: Licensed Live Module and Live Schema

Software: EQuIS Live, EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Enterprise install

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Installation Instructions: These reports require a licensed Live module and the Live Schema applied to the database. For use, these reports should be published to the database. When publishing the reports, the assembly should be stored in the database. First download the EQuIS Enterprise xcopy zip from the community center, unblock the *.zip file and extract the EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll file to the EQuIS Professional installation folder. For default installations this directory is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS. The reports will be available for selection once they have been published.



EQuIS Live: Adcon Data Collection Agent

EQuIS Live: Adcon Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Air Monitors Agent

EQuIS Live: Air Monitors Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Air Ontario Agent

EQuIS Live: Air Ontario Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Australian BoM WDS Agent

EQuIS Live: CDEC Agent

EQuIS Live: CDEC Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Data Computation Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Deriver Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Deriver Update Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Expiration Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Gap Filler Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Lapse Agent

EQuIS Live: Data Reducer Agent

EQuIS Live: Database Import Agent

EQuIS Live: Date Series Data

EQuIS Live: Depth Series Data

EQuIS Live: DWD CDC Agent

EQuIS Live: DWD CDC Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Ecomesure Agent

EQuIS Live: Ecomesure Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: Eleven-X Agent

EQuIS Live: Eleven-X Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: EPA AirNow Agent

EQuIS Live: EPA AirNow Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: File Processor

EQuIS Live: In-Situ HydroVu Agent

EQuIS Live: In-Situ HydroVu Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: InSitu Data Collection Agent

EQuIS Live: Logger Remark Audit

EQuIS Live: Neptune Cluster Agent


EQuIS Live: NOAA NCDC Historical Data Loader


EQuIS Live: ODBC Import Agent

EQuIS Live: Open Data Location Scout

EQuIS Live: Open Weather Map Agent

EQuIS Live: Out-of-range Agent

EQuIS Live: Outpost Central Agent

EQuIS Live: Outpost Central Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: RBCAA Agent

EQuIS Live: UK Government Flood Monitoring Agent

EQuIS Live: UK Government Flood Monitoring Historical Data Loader


EQuIS Live: USGS EDDN Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Current Values Agent

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Daily Values Agent

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Quality Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Daily Values Agent

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Groundwater Levels Agent

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Historical Data Loader

EQuIS Live: USGS Water Services Instantaneous Values Agent

EQuIS Live: Weather Canada Agent

EQuIS Live: Weather Underground Agent


1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.