Live Data Gap Filler Agent

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Live Data Gap Filler Agent

Report Name: EQuIS Live: Data Gap Filler Agent (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll


Description: The EQuIS Live: Data Gap Filler Agent report allows users to identify and fill-in data gaps in the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table using EQuIS Professional and Enterprise.




Report Parameters


Select a logger series.

Date Range


Start Date

Enter the desired start date to search for data gaps in the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table for the specified Series and Log period seconds (defaults to the first day of the current month).

End Date

Enter the desired end date to search for data gaps in the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table based on the specified Series and Log period seconds (defaults to the first day of the following month).

Log period seconds

Enter the logging period, in seconds.

When a Series is selected, this value is set to the series' LOG_PERIOD_S (if not NULL) or else to the logger's LOG_PERIOD_S (if not NULL).

Note: This value is used to detect data gap(s) and also to fill-in data gap(s).

Data gap(s)

Select the data gap(s) to fill-in.

This list shows data gap(s) for the selected Series and Date Range that are greater than the Log period seconds.

Note: This list may take a long time to load if there are a lot of data gaps. After running the report, the previously selected data gap(s) may need to be manually cleared (e.g., by using the Clear Selected button in EQuIS Professional). Also, this list may need to be manually refreshed (e.g., by clicking off of the Data gap(s) parameter and back onto it), before selecting new data gap(s) and re-running the report.

Fill-in method

Select a method to fill-in the Data gap(s):


Linear interpolation (requires non-NULL data gap start and end DATUM_VALUEs).


Select a qualifier (from RT_LOGGER_QUALIFIER) to assign to the filled-in values.

A NULL qualifier will be assigned to the filled-in values if a qualifier is not selected.



Note: The filled-in values are assigned an EBATCH number when loaded into the database. Thus the data's source is known, and if the data are bad, it can be removed from the database (e.g., using the EDD Rollback option in EDP). The ebatch number is included in the report output, and the ebatch "filename" (ST_EDD_BATCH.EDD_FILE) is 'EarthSoft.Live.Reports.DataGapFillerAgent, x', where x is the LOGGER_SERIES_ID.