Live Weather Underground Agent

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Live Weather Underground Agent

The Weather Underground Agent is an automated data loading agent available in EQuIS Live that may be used to automatically obtain weather data from the Weather Underground web API.


Note: An API key must be obtained from Weather Underground to use this agent.


Add Stations


1.Add a station through the Weather Underground Widget (will require an API key).

2.'Activate' or 'Deactivate' stations in the Weather Underground widget tree by R-clicking on a station.

3.Setup the EIA (below) and wait for new data to load.


Loading Data


The Weather Underground Agent can be run as a scheduled EQuIS Information Agent (EIA), at the desired frequency, to automatically load data as often as needed.


API Limitations


The Free Weather Underground API imposes limits on the amount of requests for data to 10/hour and 500/day. Be sure to follow the limits while scheduling the agent for EIA execution. Exceeding limitations may result in suspension of your API key.