Build 21.2 (Jul 2021)

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Build 21.2 (Jul 2021)

The 7.21.2 Build files are available in the "Products" folder on the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center.


A list of reports as well as Schema files and database scripts updated in this release can be found later in this article.


This build includes the following highlights:

ArcEQuIS – Add-in for Esri ArcGIS Pro

Connect to EQuIS sites using Microsoft Single Sign On/Azure Active Directory.

Improve error handling and resolve issues.


New user interface option for Collect Mobile that provides easier direct entry and navigation.

Numerous user interface and performance improvements for Collect Mobile and Collect Enterprise.

Enhancements to the Logger Setup, Data Mapping, and Formula Builder in Collect Enterprise.


Updates to Collect Field EDD, eCOC, COC, and Form Generator reports.



Updates to DQM Schema.

Add new checks as well as new rules and reason codes for various checks.

Improve Start Event, Process Event, and Export Event forms.

Add ability to create child QAPPs that inherit checks, rules, and parameters from PARENT_QAPP_CODE.


Updates to EDGE Schema and format.

Updates to EDGE Field EDD report.

Clean up all temporary files created during the active session.

Add AllowSecondInTimeField enumeration to allow seconds in FieldResults_v1.result_date.

Performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Updates to Alive Survey, DMR, EFWEDD, EQEDD, and GeoTrackerEDF formats.

Restored Ctrl-H and Ctrl-F hotkeys.


Move Dashboard Chooser to dashboard header.

Update Widget Editor to copy settings from another widget of the same type on current dashboard or from a different dashboard.

New user interface that allows configuration of webhooks as notification method for EIAs. (Webhook is a type of EIA that connects to an external Web service, such as Microsoft Power Automate, Teams, SharePoint, Logic Apps, etc.).

Add Support for SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) to Enterprise workflow service.

Add EIA Format Trigger Property that triggers an EIA when a specific format is loaded.

Email Retrieval of EDDs via URL link is now available.

File Metadata – Custom fields now display and can be edited in the Explorer Widget. Will also display in the Document and Photo Browser widget.

Implement Beta LeafletJS Mode in the Traffic Light Map Widget.

Data Grid Widget – Allow updating data via OData (POST and PUT) and for selecting multiple fields.

Map Widget – Support for Web Map Services (WMS) and GeoJSON layers.

User interface and performance improvements in choosers and widgets as well as bug fixes.


Former Bing Maps functionality replaced by Azure Maps

Boring Log Template – Downhole data objects may now be toggled on/off, and grouped to resize dynamically across disabled data objects.

Update Boring Log Template Designer to automatically create title blocks for data fields added to the template. Use the Shift key to move multiple objects.

Termination text may now be added to the end of boring logs.

Updates to boring log template files provided in Examples folder.

Geotechnical Module

Supports AGS Version 4.1 data source.

Updates to Geotechnical Schema and Geotechnical format.

Link Mapping Project Template file available to map AGS Data to the Geotechnical format.


Updates to support AGS Version 4.1 data format files.

New XML data source.


Add additional (user defined) fields and selects to Live Date Series and Depth Series Data reports.

Support DecentLab devices in Live eleven-X agent.

New settings in Live File Processor agent.

Updates to Live File Processor widget and Historical Chart widget.

Power BI Data Connector

Microsoft certified (no longer need the .pqx file from the ECC).

Supports "Organizational Account" authentication (replaces "Sign in with Microsoft“)..


Add "Per-User" and "All-Users" installers.

New option to "Remember Selected License".

Open dialogs now remain together with main Professional window.

Compatible with SQL Server 2019.

Update EQuIS for RockWorks interface to support RockWorks version 20 and 21.

Allow multiple aggregates of tabbed data in row headers for Crosstab reports (e.g., Min, Max, Avg, etc.).

Add Location-specific Monthly Average function to User Configured Advanced Action Levels implemented with the AAL_Lookup assembly (EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.105851).

Updates to Analytical Report II, Location Parameters (Extra Fields), Relative Percent Difference II, Relative Percent Difference III, Sample Parameter (Extra Fields), and VLA Usage reports.

Performance improvements and bug fixes.


Added and/or modified numerous endpoints.

Deprecated six endpoints that will be removed in the 7.22.1 release.

Removed previously deprecated endpoints.

Schema – Schema update required.

Add IDENTIFIER to DT_TEST for uniquely identifying a test (i.e., adding to Test Alternate Keys).

See Schema Files and Scripts section below.


New Laboratory Invoicing Management functionality to compare estimated and actual laboratory costs, including new SPM - Laboratory Invoice report.

New EZSPM format.

Updates to SPM, SPM_REF, SPM_CONTRACT, eQuote, and EZSRN formats.

Updates to SPM Schema.

New SPM Completeness Table - Equipment Activities report.

Updates to Bottle Request, Labels, and other Completeness reports.

Enhancements and fixes to SPM Desktop and Enterprise.



Per our Product Support Lifecycle, this release will be supported for 24 months.


Known Issues:

At the time of the release, no known issues are identified with this build. Please see for current information.



Report Files


Republishing reports is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after an installation or build upgrade. Below are the reports that have been updated or created with this release. EarthSoft recommends reports be republished for this build of EQuIS if they have already been published to the database.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished). Added report parameters or changes to the DISPLAY_TYPE of report parameters are most likely to affect user reports.




Collect COC – See Release Notes d6831, d8626, d8788, d9081, and d9578 for details.

Collect eCOC – See Release Notes d4337 and d4574 for details.



Collect Field EDD – See Release Notes d6968, d6991, d8077, d8778, d8779, d9082, and d9289 for details.



Collect Form Generator – See Release Notes d9246 and d9446 for details.




DQM Event Report

DQM Exceptions Report by EDD
See DQM Release Notes here.




EDGE Field EDD – See Release Note d6075 for details.




Live Date Series Data Agent – See Release Note d8396 for details.

Live Depth Series Data Agent – See Release Note d8396 for details.

Live Eleven-X Agent – See Release Note d5767 for details.

Live File Processor Agent – See Release Notes d6860 and d8745 for details.




Analytical Results II – See Release Note d7691 for details.


EarthSoft.Reports.Library.60983.dll and EarthSoft.Reports.Library.93818.dll

Relative Percent Difference II and III – See Release Note d5497 for details.



Location Parameter (Extra Fields) – See Release Notes d8741 and d8872 for details.



Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) – See Release Note d8224 for details.



VLA Usage Report – See Release Note d5164 for details.



Sample Parameter (Extra Fields) Reports – See Release Note d9061 for details.



ArcEQuIS Crosstab Converter – See Release Note d9110




SPM - Bottle Request – See Release Note d7200 for details.

SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed – See Release Note d6040 for details.

SPM - Completeness Table - Analytical Results – See Release Notes d6040 and d6315 for details.

SPM - Completeness Table - Equipment Activities – See Release Note d8076 for details.

SPM - Labels – See Release Note d9218 for details.



SPM - Laboratory Invoice – See Release Note d7740 for details.


Schema Files and Scripts


The following Schema files and database scripts have changed since the previous build. The locations and purpose of these Schema files are provided on the Database Schema page. For information on applying new Schemas to a database, see Applying Additional Modules/Schemas to a Database.


EQuIS Professional: schema.xme

See Release Notes d6276, d6612, d6677, d7437, d7438, d7736, d7792, d7793, d8534, d8818, d8933, d9106, d9862


DQM: schema.DQM.xme

See Release Notes d7438, d7736, d7737


EDGE: schema.EDGE.xme

See Release Note d8588


LakeWatch: schema.LakeWatch.xme

See Release Note d9106


Geotechnical: geotechnical.xse

See Release Note d9437


SPM: schema.SPM.xme

See Release Notes d7488, d7489, d7793