Build 20.4 (Nov 2020)

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Build 20.4 (Nov 2020)

The 7.20.4 Build files are available in the "Products" folder on the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center.


A list of reports updated in this release can be found later in this article.


This build includes the following highlights:

ArcEQuIS – Add-in for Esri ArcGIS Pro

Run EQuIS reports from ArcEQuIS and display data on map.

Create table labels from crosstab data.

Generate cross-section diagrams using EnviroInsite templates.


Administrators can edit page layout on Collect Enterprise dashboard.

Able to merge templates in the Template Designer page in Collect Enterprise.

Able to easily configure the service field settings in the Template Designer.

Able to change status of completed data forms back to incomplete on the Data Forms page in Collect Enterprise.

Add OpenID Connect as a user authentication method for Collect Mobile.

Able to perform Actions in the Map View on Collect Mobile.

Auto apply changes on Combined Fields on Collect Mobile.


Updated Collect Field EDD, eCOC and COC reports.


Updated EDGE format.

Updated EDGE - Field EDD report.

Improvements to the Probes Manager.

Add historical range checker for field results.


Updated EDP to use a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant algorithm when computing checksums.

Refval format performance improvements.

Improved EDP lookup performance.


Redesigned the Enterprise Login Screen. The Welcome Dashboard no longer contains the Login widget and now provides EQuIS information for new users.

Add OpenID Connect as a user authentication method.

Administrative users can define a default dashboard for new users using entries in the ST_CONFIG table.

Enhance Dashboard Editor to enable reordering of dashboard sections.

EZView Widget can access Grid report EIAs as data sources. Functionality will be expanded to other widgets in future builds.

Add CompressionThreshold setting to the Email Deliver Agent in the Enterprise workflow service.

RDL report EIAs can be delivered as Microsoft Excel files.

Modified Enterprise 7 to not use any content delivery network (CDN) resources except for the Esri JavaScript API.

Esri Javascript API version updated to 4.16.

Improve performance of the Map and Traffic Light Map widgets by changing the way they process EQuIS REST API layers.

Update Map widget to allow users to configure feature reduction for feature layers, including EQuIS layers.

User interface and performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Updated to use a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant algorithm

Addressed EI Report Parameters that use default values of Y/N for True/False fields.

Fixed sizing and resizing of forms.


Integrated Link with the Enterprise workflow service to allow pre-processing of data files via Link before going to Enterprise EDP.



Live File Processor Agent modified to use ST_CONFIG table and to allow LOGGER_CODE and SERIES_NAME to be composites of multiple column values.

Live Data Deriver Update Agent / Report modified to allow users to select input series and to run as an EIA.

Enhancements to the Live Historical Chart Widget.

Performance improvements.

Power BI Data Connector

Access Grid report EIAs as data sources.


Redesign Connect Backstage and add OpenID Connect as a user authentication method.

New Sample Test Result III form.

Significant improvements to DQM functionality related to various DQM check options.

Fix issues with EQuIS for ArcGIS and EQuIS for AutoCAD interfaces.

Add options to Action Level Exceedance II report for handling missing unit conversions for Action Level comparisons.

Add WORKFLOW_STATUS  to Analytical Results II report.

Report Parameter Selector filter improvements.

Performance improvements and bug fixes.


Update Swagger documentation.

New api/edp/check/{format} endpoint.

Schema – Standard Schema update recommended

Add SPM COC fields/tables to standard Schema.

Stored Procedure fixes to ADD_EUID and BUILD_TABLE_TYPE.

Multiple changes relating to DQM tables.


Update SPM format to include Scheduling tasks, samples, and activities.

Update SPM_Contract and SPM_eQuote formats.

Update SPM Completeness Detailed and Table reports.

Update SPM COC Report.

Redesign SPM Desktop Connect Backstage and add OpenID Connect as a user authentication method.

Administrators can edit page layout on SPM Enterprise dashboard.

New Land Access page on SPM Enterprise dashboard.

Vapor Intrusion Module – New Module to collect, store, manage, and report data associated with vapor intrusion assessment and monitoring. The module is available to clients with EQuIS Enterprise Basic licensing. Module files are available for download in the Products\Vapor Intrusion folder on the Downloads Dashboard.


Per our Product Support Lifecycle, this release will be supported for 24 months.


Known Issues:

At the time of the release, no known issues are identified with this build. Please see for current information.



Report Files


Republishing reports is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after an installation or build upgrade. Below are the reports that have been updated or created with this release. EarthSoft recommends reports be republished for this build of EQuIS if they have already been published to the database.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished). Added report parameters or changes to the DISPLAY_TYPE of report parameters are most likely to affect user reports.




Collect COC – See Release Notes d2477 and d2540 for details.



Collect - Field EDD report – See Release Notes d2027, d2086, d2223, d2479, and d2563 for details.




EDGE - Field EDD report – See Release Note d3371 for details.




Live Data Deriver Agent report – See Release Note d1713 for details.

Live Data Deriver Agent report – See Release Note d1716 for details.





Analytical Results with Sample Calculations – See Release Note d2319 for details.



Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by location) – See Release Note d2444 for details.



Analytical Results II – See Release Notes d2482 and d2646 for details.



Action Level Exceedance II See Release Note d2646 for details.



EnviroInsite Stiff Diagram

EnviroInsite Analyte Concentration Map

EnviroInsite Piper Diagram

EnviroInsite Cross-Section
See Release Note d1832 for details.




SPM - Completeness Report - Detail report – See Release Notes d2827, d2836, and d2839 for details.

SPM - Completeness Table - Activities report – See Release Note d2837 for details.



SPM - COC Report – See Release Note d1574 for details.


Vapor Intrusion


VI Building Parameter – See Release Note d2187 for details.



VI Analytical Results II with Building Parameters – See Release Note d1427 for details.



VI Collect – eCOC

VI Collect – Field EDD report – See Release Note m183376 for details.