Live (7.20.4)

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Live (7.20.4)





Live File Processor Agent: Get Settings from ST_CONFIG Table [d1493]

The Live File Processor agent has been modified to get processor/file type settings from the ST_CONFIG table instead of the agent's *.config file.





Live Data Deriver Agent / Report: Allow Users to Select Input Series [d1713]

Updated the Live Data Deriver Agent / Report to allow users to select input series.





Live Data Deriver Update Agent / Report: Allow to Run as EIA [d1716]

The Live Data Deriver Update Agent / Report can run as an EQuIS Information Agent (EIA).





Live File Processor Agent: Allow LOGGER_CODE and SERIES_NAME to Be Composites of Multiple Column Values [d1718]

The Live File Processor agent now allows DT_LOGGER.LOGGER_CODE and DT_LOGGER_SERIES.SERIES_NAME to be composites of multiple column values.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Make Logger Series Type, Frequency, and Calculation Unique [d2313]

The combination of logger series type, frequency, and calculation must be unique in the Live Historical Chart Widget. The widget will not permit selection of duplicate settings.