EnviroInsite (7.20.4)

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EnviroInsite (7.20.4)





EnviroInsite - Fix Missing File Error Messages [d758]

EnviroInsite threw errors when files were missing in C:\ProgramData\EarthSoft, this has been fixed.





EnviroInsite - Data Tables - Thousand Separator From Localization Does Not Work [d1742]

Thousands separator option available in Localization now applies properly to data tables.





EnviroInsite: Proper Sizing and Resizing of Forms [d1758]

Plot data option dialogs are now resizable to fit small screen dimensions.





EnviroInsite Report Parameters - Y/N Inputs Corrected to True/False [d1832]

The following EnviroInsite reports now properly use True/False for default check box parameters: 
  • Analyte Concentration Map
  • Cross-Section
  • Piper Diagram
  • Stiff Diagram
We recommend that these reports, if already published to your EQuIS Database(s), be republished following these instructions: https://help.earthsoft.com/pro_report-publisher.htm.





EnviroInsite - Update Tech Support Request Hyperlink [d2197]

The EnviroInsite Tech Support link in Help | Tech Support now directs to the EarthSoft Help Desk.





Make EnviroInsite FIPS Compliant [d2480]

EnviroInsite has been updated to use a FIPS compliant algorithm.