EQuIS Professional Tools Access

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EQuIS Professional Tools Access

Ribbon Tab Sections

Ribbon Tools


Access to the tool buttons on the EQuIS Professional Ribbon may be configured for ALS users by setting viewer permissions in Enterprise for the related modules. This change was made in the 19144 build. By default, existing ALS roles that were created prior to 19144 build will be granted viewer permission to all Ribbon Tools in EQuIS Professional upon upgrade. Newly created ALS roles will not have any permissions automatically assigned.


Granting Viewer permission (or Editor/Owner) enables the tool buttons (“ProBtn” modules) only. Any additional permission requirements for the tool functionality remain and must be addressed separately (e.g., for Report Publisher and DQM tools).


Similarly, denying permission on the ProBtn modules disables the tool buttons only. Any additional options for access must be addressed separately. For example, note that with Forms access, users may view certain data tables, with or without permission granted to the “ProBtn: Tables” module.



Denying permission will not disable the buttons for users who inherit Owner permissions (e.g. ALS administrator users).


When a user does not have permissions for a tool, the button will be disabled and an “Insufficient Permissions” tooltip will display. If the tool button permissions are met but licensing required, the tooltip on the disabled button reads “Sufficient permissions but a license is required”.


The Professional Tools modules, listed below, are of two types: tab sections (i.e. grouped tools) and individual tools.


Ribbon Tab Sections


1.Home - Graphic Tools

2.Data - Standard

3.Data - Plus

4.Graphics - Coordinates

5.Graphics - Standard

6.Graphics - Plus

7.Graphics - Premier

8.Decision Support - Alive

9.Decision Support - Risk3T

10.Decision Support - EnviroInsite

11.Decision Support - LakeWatch


Ribbon Tools


Home Tab



2.EQuIS Facility


4.Action Levels








Data Tab



2.DQM History

3.DQM Settings

4.DQM Create Event

5.DQM In Process Events