Build 22.1 (Mar 2022)

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Build 22.1 (Mar 2022)

The EQuIS 7 22.1 Build files are available in the "Products" folder on the Downloads Dashboard of the EarthSoft Community Center.


A list of reports as well as Schema files and database scripts updated in this release can be found later in this article.


This build includes the following highlights:


Add ability to enable two-column display for data entry fields.

Add new Dynamic Selector field type.

Add ability to authenticate in Collect Mobile (Windows) using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Improve pre-population verification in Collect Enterprise.

Add Value Type to Formula Builder in Collect Enterprise.

Add new Cubic Spline and JSON functions.

Updates to Collect COC and eCOC reports.

Multiple bug fixes.



Online help articles for DQM moved from within the Professional documentation to a separate chapter in the main table of contents.

Redesign of Complete Event Form.

Add Functionality for QAPP-specific Surrogate Associations.

Add option to Choose the Parent Sample Code for MSD.

Updates to the DQM Schema.

Updates to the format.

Multiple bug fixes.


Updates to the EDGE format.

Multiple bug fixes.


Improve security of formats.

Updates to Facility and refvals formats.

Multiple bug fixes.



New Web Forms widget (beta version).

New Webhook Audit report.

Add pagination to the Facility Chooser.

Add option to set tree width in the Explorer widget.

Add option to use iframe in the HTML widget.

Multiple enhancements to Widget Editor in the Map widget.

Fix report output with MAG_SUM transformations to return all data.

User interface and performance improvements as well as bug fixes.


Numerous improvements to Boring Logs and Boring Log Template Designer.

New Enterprise deployment package for EnviroInsite reports.

Updates to the EnviroInsite Boring Logs report.

Multiple bug fixes.


Geotechnical Module

Updates to Geotechnical format.



New Live Data Gap Filler agent/report.

Updates to Live Date Series Data agent/report.

Update Live Australian BoM WDS agent/report to include FTP functionality.

Enhancements to Live File Processor agent/report.

Updates to Live Circular Gauge, File Processor, Heatmap, and Wind Rose Chart widgets.


Add dynamic date support.

Add helpful error messages related to report strong naming.

Add Search function for the Open window.

Add support for saving Crosstab User Reports to specific folders.

Redesign of the Crosstab Publisher window.

Remove Relative Percent Difference (RPD) report from installation (superseded by the Relative Percent Difference II and Relative Percent Difference III reports).


Updates to several endpoints.

Remove previously deprecated endpoints.

Schema – DQM and SPM Schema updates required.

Lengthen DT_RESULT_DQM Control Limit Fields.

Add New Field GROUP_CODE to DT_SPM_CONTRACT_MAG for Parent Method Analyte Group.

See Schema Files and Scripts section below.


Updates to SPM format.

Updates to SPM Enterprise Land Access page.

Add Sequence Number Generating Capability within Custom DB Function schema.

Updates to SPM - Planned Task Details report.

Enhancements and fixes to SPM Desktop and Enterprise.



Per our Product Support Lifecycle, this release will be supported for 24 months.


Known Issues:

At the time of the release, no known issues are identified with this build. Please see for current information.



Report Files


Republishing reports is an additional step that an admin-level user can perform after an installation or build upgrade. Below are the reports that have been updated or created with this release. EarthSoft recommends reports be republished for this build of EQuIS if they have already been published to the database.


As you run user reports and custom reports built on any republished reports, please ensure that they function as expected. If not, they should be rebuilt (e.g., reloaded with the published report, new parameters selected if needed, and user reports resaved or custom reports republished). Added report parameters or changes to the DISPLAY_TYPE of report parameters are most likely to affect user reports.




Collect COC and eCOC – See Release Note d18123 for details.




DQM Event Report

DQM Exceptions Report by EDD
See DQM Release Notes here.




Webhook Audit Report – See Release Note d13702 for details.




Boring Logs Report – See Release Note d14480 for details.

All EnviroInsite reports – See Release Note d17880 for details.




Live Australian BoM WDS – See Release Note d12841 for details.

Live Data Gap Filler – See Release Note d13759 for details.

Live Date Series Data – See Release Notes d13202, d13595, and d14602 for details.

Live File Processor – See Release Note d13597 for details.




Analytical Results II - No Sample Taken – See Release Note d16978 for details.


EarthSoft.Reports.Library.108907.dll (republishing not required)

Facility Parameters – See Release Note d13710 for details.



GWSDAT (Groundwater Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis Tool) – See Release Note d17737 for details.




SPM - Planned Task Details – See Release Note d18059 for details.



Schema Files and Scripts


The following Schema files and database scripts have changed since the previous build. The locations and purpose of these Schema files are provided on the Database Schema page. For information on applying new Schemas to a database, see Applying Additional Modules/Schemas to a Database.


Collect: schema.Collect.xme

See Release Note d11232


DQM: schema.DQM.xme

See Release Note d17791


SPM: schema.SPM.xme

See Release Note d17511