Enterprise (22.1)

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Enterprise (22.1)







New Web Forms Widget [d11232]

The Web Forms widget provides for manual data entry using an EQuIS Collect data form. All data mappings, formulas, calculations, and pre-population data used in a Collect data form are available in the widget. Data are submitted to EQuIS via Enterprise EDP.

The Web Forms widget is deployed as part of the Collect Enterprise installation. Thus, EQuIS Collect must be part of a client's portfolio for the Web Forms widget to be available. To accommodate storage of data entered into the Web Form widget, the Collect Schema has been modified (the ST_COLLECT_FIELD_FILES table and added new ST_COLLECT_DATA_ENTRY table).

Once installed, the Web Forms widget will be available in the Widget Chooser to add to an Enterprise dashboard. Any Enterprise user can access and use the Web Forms widget, however, the Enterprise user must be assigned to the User Group for the Collect data form to have access to the data form.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Upload Box Now Hidden for Non-Admin Users with Insufficient Permissions [d13565]

Fixed a bug so the upload box is hidden for non-admin users with insufficient permissions.





Facility Chooser Tile View: New Paging Component [d13590]

A paging component has been added to the Facility Chooser tile view. Users can now select how many items to view, and page through available tiles in the Facility Chooser.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Improved Error Message When Downloading Format with Missing XSD File [d13634]

A more descriptive 404 error message alert has been added when a user attempts to download a format with a missing XSD file.





Reports: New Webhook Audit Report [d13702]

Added new Webhook Audit Report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d11175.dll).  See the report article for more details.





Data Grid Widget: Remove "Use As Filter" Column From Widget Editor [d13708]

The "Use As Filter" column has been removed from the Data Grid widget editor. Filtering can now be configured using the Filter Name column only.





Data Grid Widget: Filter Mode is Hidden When Report is Not Selected [d13846]

Fixed a bug in the Data Grid widget where the user could interact with the filter mode selection before a report was selected.





PDF Viewer Widget: Change Display of Grid Limit Message [d13883]

For performance efficiency of the PDF Viewer widget, the Widget Editor displays a grid containing only the 1,000 most recent PDF files in the DT_FILE table. An additional search form is available to locate a PDF file when more than 1,000 PDF files are stored in the DT_FILE table. The grid limit message associated with this functionality will now only display when more than 1,000 PDF files exist.





Explorer Widget: Add Option in Widget Editor to Set Tree Width [d13974]

Added an option in the Explorer widget editor to set the tree width on the surface of the widget.





Explorer Widget: Added the Ability to Delete Dashboards [d14257]

Users with sufficient permission can now delete dashboards from the Explorer widget.





Explorer Widget: Improve Insufficient Permission Error [d14532]

When dragging and dropping an object in the Explorer widget, the popup displays the source or target folder on which the user has insufficient permission.





Facility Chooser Grid View: New Paging Component [d14549]

A paging component has been added to the Facility Chooser grid view. Users can now select how many items to view and page through available facilities in the Facility Chooser.





Map Widget: Consistent Layer Label Settings [d14699]

Improved consistency between the report layer label settings and the facility layer label settings in the Widget Editor for the Map widget.





Enterprise Workflow Users Can Authenticate Using POP3 with Office365 [d14711]

Fixed an issue where Enterprise workflow service users were unable to authenticate via EmailRetrieve using POP3 in conjunction with an Office365 mail server.





Drilldown Widget: Update Default Settings [d14742]

Default settings display for an unconfigured Drilldown widget when the widget is copied or the dashboard is copied.





Map Widget: Halo Color Picker on Label Tab Opens Out of View [d14743]

Fixed an issue where the Halo Color picker on the Labels tab in the Widget Editor for the Map widget was not being displayed appropriately.





Map Widget: Feature Reduction Popup Template and Custom Info Template JSON [d14746]

Removed large amount of white space that displayed when using the JSON editor for the Reduction Popup Template and Custom Info Template within the Widget Editor for the Map widget.





Map Widget: "Next" Button Displays on Edit Renderer Tab of the Layer Editor [d17020]

Removed the "Next" button on the Edit Renderer Tab when adding a new layer in the Widget Editor of the Map widget as this is the last step in the creation process.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: EDDs Could Not Be Uploaded for Certain Formats [d17114]

Fixed a bug where the EDD upload widget no longer throws an "an error has occurred" when uploading EDDs in certain formats.





Map Widget: Simple is Default Renderer Type [d17636]

When setting up a layer in the Widget Editor for the Map widget, the "Render Type" on the Edit Renderer tab is now defaulted to "Simple" (the first option in the drop-down list).





File Explorer Widget: Fixed Error when Downloading Files [d17858]

Fixed a bug where downloading a file in the Enterprise File Explorer widget returned a 404 (file not found) error when the RT_GROUP.GROUP_DESC was null within the parent group of the file.  The RT_GROUP.GROUP_CODE is now used instead.





PDF Viewer Widget: New Non-Admin Users [d18017]

New non-administrator users are now granted viewer permission to the PDF Viewer widget.





Dashboard Navigator Widget: New Non-admin Users [d18018]

New non-administrator users are now granted viewer permission to the Dashboard Navigator widget.





HTML Widget: Add Option to Use iframe [d18032]

The HTML widget now has the option to use an iframe to display the content.





Permissions Grid: Navigating to Different Object Types No Longer Resets Permissions Set [d18132]

Navigating to the different object types in the permissions grid reset the permissions set. This has been fixed so the UI will always reflect the permissions that will be set when saving the editor.





Enterprise: Status Message for EmailRetrieve on Status.aspx [d18145]

Fixed a bug where Status.aspx page showed a status of FAIL and 'Unable to login to mail server' message when an encrypted password was saved to ST_CONFIG.  The status now shows PASS and 'Success' for 'AgentsConfigSettings \ agent \ EmailRetrieve' if the password is (correct and) encrypted (starts with 'encr_').