Professional (22.1)

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Professional (22.1)







Reporting - Publishing Report Gives Incorrect Message If Report Not Signed with Strong Name [d13604]

The Report Publisher of Professional displays an incorrect error message, " load a 32 bit application...Object reference not set to..." when trying to publish a report/form DLL that is not signed with a strong name. The error message is corrected to "The xxx.dll is not signed with a strong name (ErrorCode_AssemblyNotSigned)".





Reporting - Publishing Report Gives Wrong Messages If The Report Is Signed With Unapproved Strong Name [d13607]

The Report Publisher of Professional displays a wrong error message of "... to load a 32 bit application ... Object reference not set to ..." when it tries to publish a report/form DLL with the public key that is not approved in ST_CONFIG. The error message is corrected to "The assembly public key token ([public key token string]) of the [report file] is not approved (see".





Reports - Facility Parameters - Report Parameters Not Appearing in Enterprise EZView & Collect Widgets [d13710]

Fixed the issue where the input parameters of the Facility Parameters Report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.108907.dll) are not listed in Enterprise.





Reporting - RDL - Cannot Run Published RDL Made From Saved User Reports [d13945]

When running an RDL report generated from a saved User Report, users received a "Key already exists, key: @sys_loc_codes" error. This issue has now been resolved.





Reporting - Add Dynamic Date Options into EQuIS Professional [d14121]

Added the "Select dynamic date:" drop-down tool to the date input of reports in EQuIS Professional.





Reporting - Crosstabs - Add Ability to Retain Multiple Sheets in Excel Templates on Export [d14507]

The additional worksheets of a crosstab template file will be retained when crosstab output is exported to Excel or PDF.





Reporting - Crosstabs - Redesigned Publisher Prompt and Added "Add Crosstabs to Folder" Option [d14614]

Improved the Crosstab Report Publisher dialog and added a "Select a folder" option so a report can be published and saved to a specific folder in the database.





Reporting - Crosstabs - Display Publish button in Configuration Form opened from published iGrid report [d16967]

When running a published crosstab iGrid report, the Crosstab Report Configuration form that displays crosstab grid output did not contain the Publish button, even if the user had permissions to publish a report. This bug has been fixed.





Reports - Analytical Results II - No Sample Taken (NST) Report: Include NST Records in Output with Test/Result Parameters Selected [d16978]

Improved the Analytical Results II - No Sample Taken Report so the report will present 'No Sample Taken' (NST) data regardless of report parameter selections under Result and/or Test sections. For EQuIS Enterprise use, republish the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.86698.dll if the report had been previously published.





Reporting - Report Parameter Inputs Get Duplicated for User Reports [d17000]

Removed duplication of Report Parameter selections when modifying existing parameter selections for User Reports. 





Remove Support for ReportConfiguration [d17066]

Removed final components of ReportConfiguration from both Professional and Enterprise, previously announced in Build 7.20.4.





Professional - Installation - Remove Original Relative Percent Difference Report [d17560]

The deprecated Relative Percent Difference Report (EarthSoft.Library.Reports.21339.dll) is no longer included in the Professional Installer. Use the Relative Percent Difference II or III reports instead.





Reporting - MAG_SUM transformations now returning all data in Enterprise reports [d17660]

In EQuIS Enterprise, output for reports containing MAG_SUM transformations was incomplete. This has been fixed. 





Professional - Forms - 'Enterprise EDP: EDD List' Not Converting Time Zone For WEB Uploads [d17735]

The Enterprise EDP: EDD List now displays Enterprise EDP upload records in the current user's time zone. *Note: Professional EDP uploads still display in the time zone in which they were uploaded.





Interfaces - GWSDAT Now Properly Returns Non-Detects [d17737]

The GWSDAT report now maps the Result output column to REPORT_RESULT_TEXT from Analytical Results II, rather than REPORT_RESULT_VALUE, so non-detects are returned with the non-detect symbol and multiplier.  For EQuIS Enterprise use, republish the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.119331.dll if the report had been previously published.





Professional - Add Search Bar to "Open" Window [d17937]

Added ability to search the list of items (e.g., Data Tables or Reports) shown in the EQuIS Professional Open window. After entering a search term, either select the Go button (green arrow) or click Tab then Enter keys to filter the Open list by the search term. Small UI alignment issues with Languages other than English.





Reports - ARII-ALEII Crosstab - New Data (EDD) EIAs - Enable "Limit report to only data" Option [d17962]

Updated the "ARII-ALEII Crosstab" (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.160273.dll) report to allow EQuIS Information Agent (EIA) New Data (EDD) option of "Limit report to only data" within EQuIS Enterprise. To use this feature, republish this report assembly, as well as Analytical Results II and Action Level Exceedance II.