Geotechnical Module Overview

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Geotechnical Module Overview

With the Geotechnical Module, EQuIS users can import multiple geotechnical data sources into a single SQL Server EQuIS database. EQuIS Enterprise on Azure offers greater scalability, security, standardization, and workflow automation compared to multiple disconnected local databases. EQuIS interfaces with gINT to run reports and graphics natively and leverages prior gINT investments. The Geotechnical Module is licensed separately. Please contact for further information.


Geotechnical Module users can:

Easily import geotechnical data into EQuIS databases via EQuIS Link, a powerful new data transformation tool.

Combine multiple geotechnical (and environmental) data sources into a single enterprise EQuIS Schema.

Create and view boring logs and other geotechnical graphics from ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Pro, EQuIS EnvironInsite, and EQuIS Enterprise.

Create and view boring logs in EQuIS Collect.


The EQuIS Geotechnical Module includes:

Geotechnical Schema – Provides a basic structure to store and organize geotechnical data.

Geotechnical Format – EQuIS format designed to upload geotechnical data to the appropriate database tables.

EQuIS Link Data mapping tool that can be used to easily migrate existing geotechnical data into EQuIS.

Professional and Enterprise Reports

Geotechnical Analytical Results – Report is a combination of geotechnical sample parameters and/or geotechnical analytical results along with locations and their coordinates.

gINT Export – Exports EQuIS geotechnical data to a Microsoft Excel file in standard gINT structure.

gINT Report – Creates gINT reports in multiple formats, such as PDF boring log files.

EQuIS Collect Boring Log Template – For users with Collect licenses, the Collect template is available and is based on gINT standard US Data Template.

Example Files – Include example gINT standard US files and an example EQuIS Link Project Mapping file for gINT standard US files.

gINT Runner API (optional) – Only needed if users want to generate gINT reports from Enterprise and have gINT running on the server.


EQuIS EnvironInsite is an advanced data visualization and analysis program that supports the Geotechnical Module. With EnvironInsite users can (1) create boring logs, strip logs, cross-sections, and three-dimensional geological models and fence diagrams, (2) readily combine analysis of geotechnical and environmental data, and (3) easily prepare report graphics. See the Tables and Fields used to Generate Full Page Boring Logs article in the EnviroInsite documentation for details on how the Geotechnical Schema is incorporated in EnviroInsite to create boring logs.