Geotechnical Module Installation and Configuration

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Geotechnical Module Installation and Configuration

Setup for the EQuIS Geotechnical Module involves updating existing databases with the Geotechnical Module Schema and ensuring that all pertinent files are installed.


Installing the Geotechnical Module Files


Example gINT files are provided in the GeoTechnical Example folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Example\GeoTechnical). Be sure to install the example Geotechnical Module files during the installation of EQuIS Professional.


Other Geotechnical Module features are already included in EQuIS Professional. These are the Geotechnical Format and two reports: gINT Report and gINT Export. The file is installed in the EQuIS Professional formats folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Formats\EarthSoft). The EarthSoft.Interfaces.gINT.dll file required for the reports is in the EQuIS Professional folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS).


The Geotechnical Analytical Results report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.176839.dll) is available for download in the Products\Geotechnical folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center. Copy the file to the EQuIS Professional folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS) and publish to the database for use in Enterprise.


Geotechnical Schema


The EQuIS Geotechnical Schema (schema.geotech.xml/e) replaces previous geotechnical schemas, which will no longer be offered. Data from the previous geotechnical schema are not automatically migrated into the new Schema. The Geotechnical Schema is available for download in the Products\Geotechnical folder on the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center.


The Geotechnical Schema stores geotechnical data in the following new tables:












The DT_GEO_TEST table uses DT_SAMPLE.SYS_LOC_CODE for sample location.


The DT_SAMPLE table has been modified to include new fields DIAMETER and DIAMETER_UNIT.  


The DT_LITHOLOGY table has been modified to include a new field END_DEPTH (numeric/decimal data-type), which is required when the MATERIAL_NAME field is populated.


The DT_LOCATION table has been modified to include new fields OFFSET, STATION, and ROUTE. These new fields were added in conjunction with the Geotechnical Schema but are also part of the standard EQuIS Schema.


Update an Existing Database


Update the database with schema.geotech.xme. Note the database must already be updated to EQuIS 7.


The DT_LITHOLOGY table has been modified to include the field END_DEPTH (numeric/decimal data-type), which is required when the MATERIAL_NAME field is populated. For existing databases, the update process will populate END_DEPTH with the same value that is computed with the EQUIS.LITHOLOGY database function (also in the view VW_LITHOLOGY). Since END_DEPTH is a required field, and there is a possibility that it cannot be populated, the database update process may fail. To verify if there is a problem, a couple of SQL queries have been posted to the forum, under topic "Adding END_DEPTH as a new (required) column in the DT_LITHOLOGY table". Additionally, a new view named VW_LITHOLOGY_GAP_OVERLAP is in the database to identify if gaps/overlaps exist between sections in the lithology.