DQM Checks

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DQM Checks

There are a variety of “out-of-the-box” Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) available for use in the Data Qualification Module's (DQM) 'DQM Starter QAPP' EDD that is included with the DQM install in *\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Formats\DQM folder. Each of the checks may be modified to the user’s desired specifications. The QAPPs, along with their included checks, are listed below.


Standard Checks

Batch Completeness

Blank Contamination

Dilution Factor

Dissolved vs Total Check

Estimated Results

Holding Times


Relative Percent Difference

Relative Percent Difference – Field

Relative Percent Difference and Absolute Difference – Field

Relative Percent Difference – Lab versus Field

Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)

Repeated Results

Spike Recovery

Surrogate Recovery


Lab Audit

Numeric Results

Percent Solids

Repeated Results

Sample Units

Required Detection Limit


Radio Chemistry

Radio Chemistry Estimated Results

Radio Chemistry Relative Error Ratio

Radio Chemistry Tracer Recovery