Batch Completeness Check

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Batch Completeness Check







The DQM Check for Batch Completeness evaluates a batch of samples to determine:

if the batch contains all the defined list of Quality Control (QC) samples,

if the batch does not exceed a defined number of non-Quality Control samples, and

if the analysis times for all samples in the batch are within a defined period of time.



Check name is EarthSoft.DQM.BatchCompleteness.




There are four check parameters:

1.non_qc_sample_type = the sample_type for all non-QC samples to be included in the count for the max_number_non_qc_samples parameter (default = “N”)

2.max_number_non_qc_samples = the maximum number of non-QC samples to be included in a batch. This parameter uses both the analytic_method and param_value columns. This parameter may be repeated as needed to differentiate different maximum numbers of non-QC samples required for each analytical method.

a.analytic_method - if the same maximum number of non-QC samples applies to all analytical methods, leave this field null (default). Should there be an analytic method with a different value for the maximum number of non-QC samples, populate the analytic_method column with the applicable analytical method.

b.param_value = maximum number of non-QC samples in a batch (default = 20)

3.required_qc_samples = the list of sample types for all QC samples required to be included in a batch. This parameter uses both the analytic_method and param_value columns. This parameter may be repeated as many times as needed to differentiate different QC sample_types required for each analytical method.

a.analytic_method – if the same QC samples are required to be included in an analytical batch for all methods, leave this field null (default). Should there be an analytic method with different QC sample_types, populate the analytic_method column with the applicable analytical method.

b.param_value = QC sample_types required for the method.

4.max_analysis_hours = the maximum acceptable number of hours elapsed between the analysis of all samples in the batch.


This check uses three Global Parameters:

1.reportable_result - dt_result.reportable_result values to include in DQM datasets

2.result_type_code - dt_result.result_type_code to include in DQM datasets

3.test_type_batch - at_test_batch_assign.test_batch_type to include in DQM dataset



The default value is used if there is no record in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM for an input parameter.



There are three rules:

1.NUMBER OF SAMPLES EXCEEDED for when the number of non-QC Samples is exceeded in a batch

2.QC SAMPLE MISSING for when a required QC sample type is missing from a batch

3.ANALYSIS TIME EXCEEDED for time between analysis of all samples in the batch is exceeded


DQM Associated results are found by matching results by test and TEST_BATCH_ID.




In the Errors Tab of the DQM Event Review Form, these errors may be listed:

1.One of the required rules for this check is not present in the RT_DQM_RULE table.
If this error is received, the check will be skipped. Alternately, the QAPP can be updated following the How to Update Existing QAPPs documentation page.

2.More than one analytic method associated with test batch id.
If this condition is found, the batch will not be evaluated.

3.No analytic methods associated with test batch id.
If this condition is found, the batch will not be evaluated.




DQM will first evaluate method-specific criteria, where specified, and then evaluate the remainder of the batch against non-method-specific criteria for all remaining methods.


When a count of all non-QC sample types > max_number_non_qc_samples, an exception is added for Rule = NUMBER OF SAMPLES EXCEEDED.


When a QC sample_type is not contained in a batch, an exception is added for Rule = QC SAMPLE MISSING.


When the difference between the minimum and maximum date and time of analysis of all samples in the batch > max_analysis_hours, an exception is added for Rule = ANALYSIS TIME EXCEED.