Lab Blank Contamination Check

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Lab Blank Contamination Check







The DQM Check for Lab Blank Contamination identifies detected concentrations of target analytes in laboratory blanks. If a detected analyte in a laboratory blank is also contained in an associated sample at a similar level as that in the blank, DQM will qualify the associated sample result.




The check name is EarthSoft.DQM.LabBlankContamination.




This check uses the following six check parameters:

1.LabBlankSampleType - the sample_type_code used for laboratory blanks – defaults to LB.

2.MethodBlankSampleType - the sample_type_code used for laboratory method blanks – defaults to MB.

3.Multiplier used by DQM to determine if a result can be qualified as non-detect - defaults to 1 if no value supplied. Must be an integer.

4.Common_lab_multiplier used by DQM to determine if a result identified as a common laboratory contaminant can be qualified as non-detect; depends on CAS_RN field being populated and defaults to 2 if no value is supplied. Must be an integer.

5.Flag_blank if TRUE, the laboratory blanks are also qualified – defaults to TRUE.

6.normal_sample_typesthe sample_type_codes to be used for standard association of laboratory blanks – defaults to “N”.


Using a value for multiplier from RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS is discussed in more detail here.


This check uses three Global Parameters:

1.reportable_result - dt_result.reportable_result values to include in DQM datasets

2.result_type_code - dt_result.result_type_code to include in DQM datasets

3.test_type_batch - at_test_batch_assign.test_batch_type to include in DQM dataset


Additionally, for EQuIS build 7.21.2 and later, this check uses nondetect_detection_limit from Global Parameters.



The default value is used if there is no record in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM for an input parameter.

The default value is used if the PARAM_VALUE is NULL in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.




For DQM Version 7.21.1 and earlier versions:


There are three rules:

1.BLANK CONTAMINATION = Qualify the result in the blank sample if a concentration is detected and the FLAG_BLANK parameter = TRUE.

2.RESULT > BLANK * MULTIPLIER = Qualify an associated result if sample result > multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.

3.RESULT < BLANK * MULTIPLIER = Qualify an associated result if sample result < multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank. Assuming the qualifier for this rule = “U”, then this will indicate the result is non-detect. When Completing an Event and saving qualifiers, there is also an option to set DETECTED_YN to "N" for all results with a "U" qualifier.


For DQM Version 7.21.2 and later versions:


In addition to the 3 rules available in 7.21.1 and earlier versions, there are six new rules available:

1.BLANK CONTAMINATION < QL - Contamination detected in the Blank less than the Quantitation Limit

2.BLANK CONTAMINATION >= QL - Contamination detected in the Blank greater than or equal to the Quantitation Limit.

3.RESULT/DF < QL  - Associated Result / Dilution Factor < Quantitation Limit.

4.RESULT/DF >= QL OR >= BLANK * MULTIPLIER - For Blank Conc < QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= Quantitation Limit OR >= multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.

5.RESULT/DF >= QL & < BLANK * MULTIPLIER - For Blank Conc >= QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= Quantitation Limit AND < multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.

6.RESULT/DF >= BLANK * MULTIPLIER - For Blank Conc >= QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.


If all 9 blank rules exist in a DQM QAPP, only the 6 new rules available starting in version 7.21.2 will be used by DQM. In order for the 3 rules available prior to 7.21.2 to be used by DQM, only these 3 rules should be included in the DQM QAPP.


Associated results are found by:

1.Matching results (with detected concentrations only) by Method, Fraction, CAS_RN and TEST_BATCH_ID. If matching samples are found, the process stops.

2.If no matching results are found in Step 1, results (with detected concentrations only) are matched by Method, Fraction, CAS_RN and LAB_SDG.


Note: To use the TEST_BATCH_ID, it must be added to DT_TEST_BATCH and then the TEST_ID of the blank sample, and all of the associated TEST_IDs are added with their TEST_BATCH_ID and TEST_BATCH_TYPE to AT_TEST_BATCH_ASSIGN (usually done by EDP format).


Use of Reason Codes with the rules is discussed here.




For DQM Version 7.21.1 and earlier versions:


For Lab Blanks

Review blanks if Flag_blank = TRUE

Review results with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE = LabBlankSampleType and MethodBlankSampleType

Qualify a result in a lab blank if reportable_result = Y and detect_flag=Yes


The dqm_remark for this exception is:  Contamination detected in this Blank.


For Associated Samples

Review results with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE = LabBlankSampleType and MethodBlankSampleType

Qualify a result in an associated sample if reportable_result = Y and detect_flag=Yes and if sample result > multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.


An example dqm_remark for this exception is:  [5 > 4 * 1] Sample result > multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank (sample_id:3281206, test_id:3281223, cas_rn:129-00-0)

Qualify a result in an associated sample if reportable_result = Y and detect_flag=Yes and if sample result < multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.


An example dqm_remark for this exception is: [5 < 6 * 1] Sample result < multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank (sample_id:3281211, test_id:3281224, cas_rn:7440-66-6)


For DQM Version 7.21.2 and later versions:


For Lab Blanks

Review blanks if Flag_blank = TRUE

Review results with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE = LabBlankSampleType and MethodBlankSampleType

Qualify a result in a lab blank if reportable_result = Y and detect_flag=Yes


1.If BLANK CONTAMINATION < QL   - the apply_remark is “Contamination detected in the Blank less than the Quantitation Limit.”
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[0.5 < 1] Blank result < quantitation limit in this blank.”


2.BLANK CONTAMINATION >= QL  - the apply_remark is “Contamination detected in the Blank greater than or equal to the Quantitation Limit.”
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[8 >= 1] Blank result >= quantitation limit in this blank.”



For Associated Samples

Review results with DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE = LabBlankSampleType and MethodBlankSampleType

Qualify a result in an associated sample if reportable_result = Y and detect_flag=Yes according to the following

1.RESULT/DF < QL  - the apply_remark is “Associated Result from: Associated Result / Dilution Factor < Quantitation Limit.”
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[0.3 / 1 < 1] Sample result / dilution factor < quantitation limit in this associated blank: (sys_sample_code:AQ_SAMPLE1_RC_TB, analytic_method:SW6010, cas_rn:7440-28-0).”


2.RESULT/DF >= QL OR >= BLANK * MULTIPLIER – the apply_remark is “Associated Result from: For Blank Conc < QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= Quantitation Limit OR >=concentration detected in the associated blank.”
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[5 / 1 >= 1 * 0.5] Sample result / dilution factor >= multiplier * concentration detected in this associated blank: (sys_sample_code:AQ_SAMPLE1_RC_TB, analytic_method:SW6010, cas_rn:7440-28-0)”


3.RESULT/DF >= QL & < BLANK * MULTIPLIER – the apply_remark is  “Associated Result from: For Blank Conc >= QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= Quantitation Limit AND < multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[10 / 1 >= 1] AND [10 / 1 < 2 * 8] Sample result / dilution factor >= quantitation limit AND < multiplier * concentration detected in this associated blank:(sys_sample_code:AQ_SAMPLE1_RC_TB, analytic_method:SW6010, cas_rn:7782-49-2).”


4.RESULT/DF >= BLANK * MULTIPLIER – the apply_remark is “Associated Result from: For Blank Conc >= QL, Associated Result / Dilution Factor >= multiplier * concentration detected in the associated blank.
An example dqm_remark for this exception is: “[10 / 1 >= 1 * 8] Sample result / dilution factor >= multiplier * concentration detected in this associated blank: (sys_sample_code:AQ_SAMPLE1_RC_TB, analytic_method:SW6010, cas_rn:7782-49-2).”





1.Blank unit error


This check includes an internal unit conversion function, which allows blanks with units for liquids to be compared to results for soil samples. This internal function includes:

ug/L to mg/kg

ug/L to ug/kg

mg/L to mg/kg

mg/L to ug/kg


 Any combination of units found in RT_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTOR will also be used.


 The following error occurs if the units differ and none of the above conversion factors apply:


“Associated result has units ({0}) that do not convert to units of blank result ({1}).”


 For this check to work, a record must be added to RT_UNIT_CONVERSION_FACTOR for that combination.


2.Result Numeric is null.


 If the RESULT_NUMERIC column is null in the blank or the associated sample for a result, the following error message will be created:


“The RESULT_NUMERIC column is NULL in blank or associated result.”