XY Chart Basics: Create, Clear, Save & Load

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XY Chart Basics: Create, Clear, Save & Load

The XY Charts feature generates two-variable scatter, line, pie, column, and stacked-line charts. For example, it can generate time-series charts from SAMPLE_DATE/REPORT_RESULT_VALUE of ARII results, or charts of various types using crosstab results (more information is available here). Chart types other than scatter, line, pie, column, and stacked-line are listed in Add Series As/Type but have not been fully implemented; unsupported chart types will be marked by an asterisk (*).


Create Charts

Clear Charts

Save Chart Parameters

Load Chart Parameters

Office Hour Video


Create Charts

First run a report (e.g. Analytical Results II), and then click the XY Charts xy.chart.button button.


A chart may be created as follows:


1.When logged into EQuIS Professional, click the Reports button (for this example, the test Springfield Database is being used; other locations, matrices, and analytes may be substituted, based on the contents of your database).  

2.Select the Analytical Results II Report, and click Open.

3.Reporting selections can be made at each node. If no selections are made for a node, then all values will be returned. For this example, choose Location/Individual(s)=B-30 and B-31, Sample/Matrix(es) = WG, and Result/Analyte/Individual(s)=ACETONE and BENZENE. Leave all other values as default (no selection).

4.Run the report by clicking the Go button Arrow right - 08. Results will be returned in grid format.

5.To create an XY Chart, click the XY Chart button xy.chart.button on the toolbar.

6.The XY Chart menu panel will display on the right-hand side. Make the following selections and then click the Add Series button in the Data Toolbar of Data pane:

a.Dataset = Analytical Results II (by default)

b.X-Axis = SAMPLE_DATE (by default)

c.Y-Axis = REPORT_RESULT_VALUE (by default; selected column must be a field containing numbers (null/text values will be ignored)

d.Group Series By = SYS_LOC_CODE

e.Group Charts By = CHEMICAL_NAME

7.Click the Add Series button Add_Series_Button.


The above result in two charts with ACETONE being the active chart.


Clear Charts

After charts are created, click the Clear Series button Clear_Series on the toolbar of the Data tab to clear all of the charts.


Save Chart Parameters


After charts are created, click on Save Parameters on the toolbar of the Data tab to save the chart parameters used to create the charts as an *.xml file.



Saved parameters are associated with the loaded dataset or charting data. Be sure to use the same report creating the dataset when loading the saved parameters later. If a report is opened more than once and several results or datasets exist, you can change the dataset (e.g. change it from Analytical Results II to Analytical Results II-1) but still use other parameters after loading the chart parameters.

You can slightly edit the saved xml file in a text editor, if needed.


Load Chart Parameters


After charts are created and saved, you may click on Load Parameters on the toolbar of the Data tab, select the saved parameter *.xml file to load the chart parameters, and then click on Add Series to re-create the charts. See the above notes.


Office Hour Video


The Office Hour video on Chart Features in EQuIS Professional 7 can be viewed here.