Enterprise (7.21.1)

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Enterprise (7.21.1)






Report Parameter Editor: Remark Popup [d3487]

The Report Parameter Editor has been updated to display a remark tooltip (if one is available) when a user hovers over a parameter.





Map Widget: Fix Custom Renderer Attribute Field Drop-down Menu [d3492]

Fixed a bug in the custom renderer on the Layers tab of the Map Widget Editor where the Attribute Fields drop-down menu for Unique Value and Class Breaks renderer types was not populated.





Map Widget: Fix for the Available Columns Drop-Down Menu in Widget Editor [d3493]

Fixed an issue on the Layers tab in the Map Widget Editor. The Available Columns drop-down menu is now populated for Facility Layer and My EQuIS Facilities Layer types when a user selects the "Custom" popup template option.





Map Widgets: Esri JS API Update to 4.17 [d3559]

The Esri JavaScript API has been updated to 4.17. 

Some users may notice the following:
  • Feature reduction intermittently does not de-cluster when zooming in repeatedly. This can be resolved by zooming back out, or by setting a widget extent that is closer to the features on the layer. 
  • Label Angles configured for the Map widget labels are now correct.
More information can be found in the Esri JS API 4.17 release notes





Map Widget: Add Custom Basemap Options [d3808]

The Map widget has been updated with the ability to use Portal Items or collections of WebTileLayers as a custom basemap.





EQuIS Format Definition: Add "isCacheable" Setting [d3882]

Changed the automatic caching of formats in Enterprise to be a configurable setting. For an EQuIS Format Definition (EFD) to be cached, it will need to have an ST_CONFIG entry for the format configuration with the object_value = "isCacheable" and string_value = "True".





Data Grid Widget: Dashboard Filtering Options [d3927]

The Data Grid widget has been updated to allow users to configure it as a dashboard filter, using the underlying report's parameters as the filters and the data as the filter values.





Map Widget: Fix Issue with Esri Icon Fonts [d3930]

Fixed a bug in the Map widget that resulted in Text Symbols not displaying on the map when "Esri Icon Font" was set in the Font field. This font is used in conjunction with Unicode text (e.g., "\ue61d") entered in the Text field. The Unicode text is converted to a symbol that is displayed on the map. Read more about using Esri Icon Font unicode text: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/guide/esri-icon-font/.





EZView Widget: Add Share Button [d4016]

The EZView widget has been updated with a Share button that allows users to generate a link to the report for use in Esri ArcGIS Online or Microsoft Power BI. The link includes their own user token with a configurable expiration. The share button gives EQuIS users the ability to share key EQuIS information with others via a URL. The recipient does not need to have EQuIS installed or a license to view the information.





HTML Widget: Ordered/Unordered Lists Not Displaying [d4102]

Fixed a bug in the HTML widget that was preventing ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>) lists from rendering correctly.





User Profile Editor: Added Notification for Incorrect Current Password Entered by Non-Admin User When Changing Current Password [d4227]

When a non-administrative user tried to change their password but incorrectly entered their current password, the User Profile Editor would incorrectly disappear causing the user to believe that the change was successful. The user will now be informed that the current password value entered did not match the value in the database. 





Data Grid Widget: Hyperlinks in Columns [d4251]

Columns in the Data Grid widget can be configured to display their values as clickable hyperlinks. 





Data Grid Widget: Option to "Freeze" Column(s) [d4258]

Added the ability to "freeze" columns in the Data Grid widget.





Data Grid Widget: Download Current View Data Only [d4315]

Downloading data from the Data Grid widget now respects filtering and sorting events, and will only include data that are visible in the grid.





Enterprise: Added Missing Translations [d4356]

Missing translations were added for the following:
  • "Add Widget" tooltip in the Dashboard Editor
  • "Download" button in the Data Grid Widget
  • "Disable" button in the User Profile Editor





User Profile Editor: Update Look of Download Permissions Report Button [d4363]

Modified the appearance of the Download button on the Permission tab in the User Profile Editor to be consistent with other buttons in Enterprise.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Disable Upload Functionality for Facility Groups [d4366]

EDDs cannot be uploaded in the EDP EDD Upload widget if a facility group is set as the session facility. The upload functionality is disabled and an error message has been added.





License Manager Widget: Copy Network ID to the Clipboard [d4428]

A copy button has been added to the Network ID section of the License Manager widget to facilitate communication with EarthSoft regarding license portfolio.





Enterprise: Fix Broken Icon on Status.aspx Page [d4455]

The broken linked logo on the Status.aspx page has been replaced with the new Enterprise icon.





Data Grid Widget: Update Editor Grid to Use Drag/Drop Functionality [d4539]

The Data Grid Widget Editor has been updated to reorder columns using drag/drop instead of up/down arrows. 





REST API: GET /api/reports/{reportId}/data Endpoint Unable to Handle Null Filter Values [d4572]

The capabilities of filters have been updated to allow users to filter based on blank values, which essentially means "run the report without a value set for this parameter". This is currently only possible through directly accessing the REST API, or through configuring a Data Grid widget to filter based on column values.

Also, fixed a bug that was preventing filter values from being applied correctly unless a FACILITY_ID value is present.





EnviroInsite Report Viewer Widget: Refresh Report When Filter is Applied in the Filter - Date Range Widget [d4617]

Fixed a bug where the EnviroInsite Report Viewer widget would not automatically refresh when a filter was applied in the Filter-Date Range widget.





Map Widget: Time Series Chart and Crosstab Popups Respect Culture Settings [d4662]

Fixed a bug in the Map widget where culture formatting was not respected for the Time Series Chart and Crosstab popups.





Enterprise: Use New Icons for Installer [d4714]

Updated EarthSoft logo and Enterprise icon image files in the Enterprise installer.





Explorer Widget: Cannot Save File in Edit Mode [d4813]

Fixed an issue in the file editor where users could not save changes to a file they were editing.





User Profile Editor: Multiple Comma-Separated Email Addresses for Single User [d4823]

A single user is now able to have multiple comma-separated email addresses listed in the User Profile Editor. The criteria for having multiple email addresses listed are:
  • Each email address needs to be separated by 1 comma.
  • There can be 0 or 1 white space characters after each comma.
  • There can be 0 characters following the last email address in the list.
  • The list of email addresses, including the comma and white space characters, can not exceed 100 characters in length.





Enterprise Workflow Service: Using OAuth to Configure EmailDeliver and EmailRetrieve Agents [d4973]

Starting with this release, EQuIS Enterprise may now be configured to use OAuth authentication with Microsoft Office 365 for incoming (IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) email functionality.





Map Widget: Console Error When Adding New Layer or Editing Existing Layer [d4983]

Fixed a console error in the Map widget that occurred when attempting to add a new layer or edit an existing layer due to the code looking for a property that was not yet defined.





Enterprise: Updated Dart Third Party Files [d5041]

Updated the Dart (PowerTCP Mail) library files from version 3.2.1 to version 4.3.12.





REST API: Automatically Populate ST_RECENT on Every Request with an Object ID [d5216]

The REST API has been updated to automatically populate the ST_RECENT table and ST_USER.LAST_USE_DATE  on every request with an object ID.





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Added Translations to the Delete Series Confirmation Dialog [d5385]

Translations have been added to the Delete Series confirmation dialog in the Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart widgets.





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Cultural Decimal Separator Not Respected on Initial Load [d5412]

Fixed an issue where culture-specific decimal separators were not being respected upon initial load of the Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart widgets. 





Time Series Chart Widget: Chart Y-Axis Label Rounding to Tenths Position [d5416]

Time Series Charts configured with a single point rounds the Y-axis label to the tenths position, making the label not match the data being displayed. This has been fixed so that the label no longer rounds to the tenth position.