Open Published Crosstab Configuration

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Open Published Crosstab Configuration

Interface Method

Manual Method

Republishing an Existing Crosstab


You can open the configuration of a published Crosstab for review, to run the Crosstab again into the Crosstab grid form or to edit and republish the Crosstab.


Interface Method


1.Select the Published Crosstab in the Report Open Dialog in Professional.

2.In the parameter selection, select the parameters for the desired underlying report data. If this includes selecting a saved user report, selecting a value for that parameter is required.

3.Click on the Open CrossTab Configuration button 15492_OpenCrosstabConfigBtn.


Warning: For the crosstab to be retrieved, it must have valid report output.


The report parameter selection for the underlying report needs to result in valid report output for the published crosstab to be retrieved (either from publishing using the "Show all Input Parameters" option and selecting the desired parameters before retrieval, or based on a saved user report parameter). If running the underlying report results in an error or no output, then the crosstab configuration may not be retrieved.


For example, if an action level is not selected for a published crosstab based on an Action Level Exceedance Report, the report output will result in a single row and column containing an error message. When the crosstab configuration is retrieved, the saved header columns will not match the error report output column and the following error will be displayed:


"ERROR EarthSoft.Common.Message ... - Could not apply saved configuration to crosstab. This is most likely due to a mismatch between the columns in the base report and the saved crosstab configuration (column and row header selections). ..."


If the crosstab was published with the "Prompt for Saved User Report" option, selecting a saved user report based on the underlying grid report is required or the following message is displayed:


"Unable to find a valid report, was a report selected?"




The Crosstab configuration will be opened in the Crosstab form as a new tab. At this point, you can review, edit and run the Crosstab to see Crosstab output in Professional.


Manual Method


1.Obtain a copy of the Blobber Form from the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) Downloads Dashboard. Unblock and extract the downloaded folder.

2.Install the form by placing the EarthSoft.Forms.Library.78163.dll file in your EQuIS Program Folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS or %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS).

3.Open ST_REPORT and find the REPORT_ID of your published crosstab.

4.Open the Blobber form, then set the Blob Table to ST_REPORT.

5.Set the Key Value to the REPORT_ID for your published crosstab.

6.Click Download, then add ".xml" to the end of the filename you choose.

7.To manually update or replace a crosstab configuration:

a.fill out the Blobber form with the same values as previously the Update button the crosstab XML file to be uploaded.


Republishing an Existing Crosstab


Once the configuration has been opened, it can be published. The name of the Crosstab report in the publishing dialog will be the same as displayed in the tab.  This will most likely have an iterated number appended such as "<Crosstab report name>-1" or "<Crosstab report name>-2".


To publish a new copy of the Crosstab, keep or edit the name to a new unique report name.


To republish the existing Crosstab that was opened up, edit the name to be the same as the existing Crosstab. Usually, delete the "-1" at the end. You will be prompted that this report already exists and asked if you want to proceed. Doing so will overwrite the existing Crosstab with the configuration as set in the current form.


Note: The user must have creator permission on reports in order to publish a crosstab. To republish an existing crosstab, the user must have editor permission on the crosstab.