Blobber Form for Binary Large Objects (BLOBs)

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Blobber Form for Binary Large Objects (BLOBs)

Form Name: Blobber Form for Binary Large Objects (BLOBs)

File Name: EarthSoft.Forms.Library.78163.dll

Software: EQuIS Professional

Source: Available for the EarthSoft Primary Point of Contact (POC) on the EarthSoft Community Center downloads dashboard > Products > Additional Resources > v7.0


Description: The EQuIS Blobber Form is a form that allows download or update of Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) to an EQuIS database.


Installation Instructions: Download the Blobber Form from the EarthSoft Community Center, unblock the *.zip file, and extract the DLL to the EQuIS Professional installation folder. For default installations this directory is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS or (for per-user installation) %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS\. The form will be available for selection once Professional has been relaunched.




1.Open the Blobber Form for Binary Large Objects (BLOBs)

2.Select a table from the drop down list

3.Enter the primary key value for the BLOB record (i.e. ST_REPORT.REPORT_ID, DT_FILE.FILE_ID, etc.)


After selecting the table and primary key value, the blob can be downloaded, updated or set to NULL.


Download a BLOB


When downloading a BLOB you will need to specify the location, file name, and the file extension. After downloading, the file will automatically open.


Update a BLOB


Click the Update button; you will be prompted to select a file. After a file is selected, the BLOB will be replaced in the database. Some tables (e.g., DT_FILE) may need other fields associated with the BLOB updated manually (e.g. FILE_NAME, FILE_TYPE, etc.). When updating a report *.dll (i.e. ST_REPORT.ASSEMBLY), EarthSoft recommends that you first download the existing *.dll (use Download button) and save it in case you need to restore that *.dll at some point.


Set Null button


The Set Null button will delete the BLOB by setting the corresponding field equal to null (e.g. "UPDATE ST_REPORT SET assembly = NULL where REPORT_ID = 9999"). Set Null will not delete the record or affect any related records. Deleting the BLOB is useful for dll reports that have been published to the database. Publishing a report is needed for the report to show up in Enterprise EZView. Deleting the BLOB will force Enterprise EZView to use the report dll in the executable directory.