User Activity

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User Activity

Report Name: User Activity (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d5752.dll

Dependencies: User must be an Administrator

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: The report returns data on how often and how much users access EQuIS products, such as EQuIS Professional, EQuIS Enterprise or EQuIS Collect.  


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.  


Overview:  Only Enterprise administrators or users with a SQL login can run the report.


The statistical results of the report are calculated based on ST_USAGE data. Only activity recorded in ST_USAGE of the connected database is returned.


Tables: ST_USAGE and ST_USER


Report Parameters

Date Range

Section to select the reporting period.


Parameter to select the reporting start date.


Section to select the reporting end date.


Parameter to select one or more users from ST_USER where USER_ID is greater than 0.



Report Output

First Day Used EQuIS

The first day during the report period of using an EQuIS product, calculated from ST_USAGE.START_UTC_DT and converted to the date format of the database server. ST_USAGE.START_UTC_DT holds date data in UTC format.

Last Day Used EQuIS

The last day during the report period of using an EQuIS product, calculated from ST_USAGE.START_UTC_DT and converted to the date format of the database server. ST_USAGE.START_UTC_DT holds date data in UTC format.

Total Days Used EQuIS

The total number of days during the report period of using an EQuIS product, calculated from ST_USAGE.START_UTC_DT.


1. The Total Day(s) may be less than the sum of the Day(s) Used for each EQuIS product, since more than one product may be used on the same day.

2. The Total Day(s) may be more than the sum of the Day(s) Used for each EQuIS product, since certain products used may not be shown individually in this report.

Days Used Professional

The total number of days of using Professional during the report period

Days Used EDP

The total number of days of using EDP during the report period  

Days Used Enterprise

The total number of days of using Enterprise during the report period

Days Used Collect

The total number of days of using Collect during the report period

Days Used REST API

The total number of days of using the EQuIS REST API during the report period  

Total Database Records In Motion

The sum of ST_USAGE.RECORD_COUNT for the report period

Total Megabytes In Motion

The sum of ST_USAGE.SIZE / (1024*1024) for the report period, to one decimal place. A sum of < 0.05 MB will appear as “0”.

User Status

The Status Flag for that user.


Totals for individual products are calculated based on the following SQL conditions:

Professional: ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI like 'pro%'


Enterprise: ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI like 'http%/api/dashboards%'

Collect: ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI like 'http%/api/collect%'



1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.