Tag Cloud - Chemical Concentrations

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Tag Cloud - Chemical Concentrations

Report Name: Tag Cloud - Chemical Concentrations (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.26695.dll

Dependencies: N/A

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1 and HTML


Description: This report creates a tag cloud, based on overall chemical concentrations for the current facility.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



There are no input parameters for this report. The tag cloud is intended to show only the relative concentrations among chemicals. It should not be used for any quantitative purposes. The main query for this report is:


   sum(case when detect_flag in ('Y','TR'then
                                                (case when dbo.fn_unit_conversion(r.result_numeric, r.result_unit, 'mg/l',-999999) < dbo.fn_unit_conversion(r.result_numeric, r.result_unit, 'mg/kg',-999999) then
dbo.fn_unit_conversion(r.result_numeric, r.result_unit, 'mg/kg',-999999)
                                                      else dbo.fn_unit_conversion(r.result_numeric, r.result_unit, 'mg/l',-999999) end)
             else 0 endas total
    from dt_result r
           inner join rt_analyte a on r.cas_rn = a.cas_rn
   where facility_id = @facility_id
group by a.chemical_name
order by a.chemical_name


This query retrieves all detected results (detect_flag in ('Y', 'TR')) and attempts to convert the result value to either mg/l ormg/kg. Any result values that do not convert to either of those two units are excluded. The values are then summed for each chemical. Each chemical is displayed in the tag cloud with a size that logarithmically represents the overall concentration for that chemical. Chemicals with relatively high concentrations will appear larger; whereas chemicals with relatively low concentrations will appear smaller.


If EQuIS users find this report useful, we could consider adding additional input parameters as requested. Please contact support@earthsoft.com if you have recommendations.


Report Parameters

There are no input parameters for this report


Report Output

The output for this report is a Tag Cloud image in Microsoft Excel.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.