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Interfaces connect various government, geological, hydrogeological, statistical, graphing, and modeling systems to EQuIS. Use of an interface allows EQuIS to export data that the other program can read. In some cases, interfaces also provide the option to import data.


For more details regarding the Interface buttons, please see the EQuIS Professional Ribbon GUI page.


For some format-based interfaces, an error like the following may be received after clicking the interface button:

"Cannot find the format '[format name]' in the current install under the path [EQuIS installation directory]\Formats\[format name]'. You may need to install additional formats or place the files in the correct path."


The message will also be received if the format has been placed in the correct path, but the expected filetypes (typically *.xse or *.zip, depending on the format) are not found in that folder. Unless instructed otherwise on the specific interface page, ensure that, when the format is downloaded:


1.The zip package is unblocked.

2.The zip package is moved to the correct path specified within the error message.

3.The contents of the zip package are unzipped to the correct path.


If the format is not placed in the specified path, it can still be loaded separately in EDP via the Format button.


Note: Format-based interfaces will launch EDP without a format if the user has set the RecallLastUsedFormatFile setting in EDP to "No" or "Standalone".