Saving and Re-Opening a DQM Event

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Saving and Re-Opening a DQM Event

In Process Events Form

Troubleshooting Error Messages



An Event must be saved initially, before it can be processed and/or completed. See the description of the initial save here.

After upgrading EQuIS Professional, ensure the current installed DQM report assembly (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.63867.dll) is published to the EQuIS Database (Publish a Report - Quick-start Guide).


A DQM event can be re-saved repeatedly during the validation process and re-opened to continue the review. This can be critical for data sets with numerous records that may require multiple days to review.


After changes have been made to an event, the Save Event button turns red again (see image below).




Click this button to re-save these event elements to the following tables so they can be recalled when the event is re-opened:

Changes to the Exceptions, including Manually Applied Qualifiers:

All of the exceptions and associated results are stored in DT_RESULT_DQM.

The Event's Created Date is stored in the DT_RESULT_DQM.DQM_DATE column to allow these records to be retrieved.

The DQM suggested qualifier is saved in the DT_RESULT_DQM.QUALIFIER column.

The APPLY_QUALIFIER and APPLY_REMARK are saved in the DT_RESULT_DQM columns of the same name.

The EX_OR_ASSO column tracks whether the result was an exception or an associated result.

Changes to Sample DQM Status:

The DQM_STATUS and DQM_STATUS_REMARK are saved in the existing records of DT_SAMPLE.


These values are saved in the above tables when the event is saved to allow an event to be re-opened. DT_RESULT is not updated until the event is completed.  


Note: The initial event input dataset (saved in RT_USER_REPORT, DT_NOTE, and AT_DQM_RESULT) is maintained throughout event processing. Additions to Sample\Test\Result data after the event was created are not reflected in a re-opened event.


Click the Back Arrow button to send or return the user to the DQM Event Review Form.




In Process Events Form


In Process Events for the facility are listed in the upper section of the DQM In Process Events Form in a table that can be sorted and/or filtered by clicking the filter button at the top of any column.




The bottom of the DQM In Process Events Form shows the "Event Summary" and the "SDG Status" from the selected Event.


Note: The bottom section of the form updates automatically as the user selects a new row in the top section.


The “SDG Status” tab is an editable form that allows the user to select an “SDG Status”, “Date”, and “Reviewer” to assist DQM users in recording the status of the In Process event, based on the DQM workflow in use.




If DT_SDG.SDG_STATUS is not already populated, DQM automatically populates "Validation Begun" for the selected SDGs after saving a DQM Event. Since "Validation Begun" is auto-generated, it populates based on the current local language setting when the Event is saved. Therefore, if events are saved by different users in multiple languages, the SDG_STATUS column will be populated with various translations of "Validation Begun".


When a SDG Status is saved, DT_SDG.DATA_REVIEW_COMPANY will be populated with DT_PERSON.PERSON_NAME.


To configure client-specific “SDG Status” functionality:

A.Populate the desired “SDG Status” in RT_LOOKUP with LOOKUP_TYPE = sdg_status and the LOOKUP_CODE being the desired unique status.

B.Populate the “Reviewer” in DT_PERSON by populating the person_name, company_code, first_name, last_name, and custom_field_1=data reviewer. Note that company_code must be populated in RT_COMPANY.


The Event Status tab is an editable form that allows the user to select an “Event Status” and add and save notes to an event. The last user to edit an event status or note will appear in the top-right of the “Event Status” tab.


To populate the Event Status drop-down, add records to RT_LOOKUP with LOOKUP_TYPE = ‘dqm_event_status’ and the LOOKUP_CODE being the desired unique status.


Note: The event buttons on the toolbar, Re-Open Event, Complete Event, Export Event, and Delete Event are also available from a context menu by right clicking on an event.


The Re-Open Event button will open the selected event in the Event Review Form in edit mode.

The Complete Event button will open the selected event in the Complete Event Form.

The Export Event button will open the selected event in the Export Event Form.

The Delete Event button will delete the selected event from the related tables (ST_USER_REPORT, ST_USER_REPORT_PARAMETER, DT_NOTE, and AT_DQM_RESULT).


DQM Form Navigation


From EQuIS Professional, when returning to work on a DQM Event, click DQM In Process Events from the Data Ribbon to open the form (and select event from in-process list).




From the In Process Events Form:


The Start Event button will open the Start Event Form with nothing selected.


The History button will open the DQM Completed Events Form.




Troubleshooting Error Messages

Specified Argument Was Out of the Range of Valid Values


Symptoms: Message received when selecting the Review All Results tab or saving an event:


Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

  at Syncfusion.Grouping.RecordsInTableCollectionBase.get_Item(Int32 index)

  at ProcessEvent.TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)

  at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)

  at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WmSelChange()

  at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WndProc(Message& m)


Cause/Details: This error occurs when there are no results for the specified data set. One possible cause why 0 results are being returned is that DT_TEST_BATCH.TEST_BATCH_TYPE does not match the RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.TEST_BATCH_TYPE.


Resolution/Workaround: Confirm the dataset does contain results that match the QAPP values.


Exception Rows Failed to Save


Symptoms: Message received when saving an event:


ERROR: # Exception Rows failed to Save! This will cause the entire transaction to be Rolled Back and no part of the Event will be Saved.


Cause/Details: There are several possible causes for this error:


Prior to Build 19214, a single quote/apostrophe in the remark field. This was resolved in release note 171884. For example, “The parent sample’s recovery was within limits” or “spike recoveries couldn’t be resolved”. If using Build 19214 or earlier, please check that the remarks fields in the QAPP do not include a single quote.

RT_DQM_RULE.QUALIFIER or ND_QUALIFIER columns are NULL. In the cases where a qualifier is not appropriate, you may add the qualifier "NQ" to the qualifier field in the RT_DQM_RULE table. DQM does have an option to handle these NQ qualifiers by using the parameter set_NQ_to_NULL in the Global Parameters.

In builds prior to Build 19300, multiple values TEST_BATCH_TYPE parameter in the Global Parameters Check of the QAPP were not allowed.

RT_QUALIFIER does not contain a record for 'NQ'.


Resolution/Workaround: Please see the list of causes above to review the QAPP settings, along with data and reference tables.


Result Rows Failed to Save


Symptoms: Message received when saving an event:


ERROR: # Result Rows failed to Save! This will cause the entire transaction to be Rolled Back and no part of the Event will be Saved.


Cause/Details: This error can occur when multi-value test_batch_type settings are used, but the data set does no have a single TEST_BATCH_ID assigned to each TEST_ID.


Resolution/Workaround: One possible workaround is to have two QAPPs, one for ANALYSIS and one for PREP. Then, run the data set through DQM twice, one for each QAPP.


Multiple test_batch_ids associated with one test_id can also be run in DQM without needing two QAPPs as shown in the DQM FAQs: General documentation.