Configuration File (EQuIS.exe.config)

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Configuration File (EQuIS.exe.config)

Excerpt from Example EQuIS 7 Configuration File

Modifying Add Key Values

Other Configuration Variables


The EQuIS.exe.config file is used by EQuIS Professional during the login process. To edit this file, browse to the directory where EQuIS Professional is installed (typically located at C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS or for per-user installation %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS) and open the EQuIS.exe.config file in a text editor. Always create a backup of this file prior to making any changes.


Note: While settings can still be set in the EQuIS.exe.config, the ST_CONFIG table is now used to store configuration settings specific to the database.


Connection String Options in EQuIS can be modified through the Connect Tab for the current server, or by editing the EQuIS.exe.config file directly.


Excerpt from Example EQuIS 7 Configuration File


The following example shows portions of the EQuIS.exe.config file.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="Registry"

 <add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2"/></startup>
<add key="DataDynamicsARLic" value="[license]"/>
<add key="remoteFolder" value=""/>
<add key="userName" value=""/>
<add key="password" value=""/>
<add key="updateFrequency" value="-1"/>
<add key="lastUpdate" value="1900-01-01 00:00:00"/>
<add key="EdpAllowEdit" value=""/>
<add key="useNetworkLicenses" value="True"/>
</appSettings >
<add Documentation ="" RegKey="System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client" Name="DisabledByDefault" Value="0" isError="True" WindowsVersion="7"></add>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.SqlServer.Types" publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />


Modifying Add Key Values


Users can modify the add key values to suit specific needs. The following entries are included in the EQuIS.exe.config file by default. Additional configuration variables may also be applied and are described below.

remoteFolder: This value should contain the URL used to download software updates (i.e.

userName: Provided by EarthSoft to allow access to the EarthSoft servers to receive software updates.

password: Provided by EarthSoft to allow access to the EarthSoft servers to receive software updates.

updateFrequency: Indicates how often the application should check for software updates. Typical values: -1 (never), 0 (always), X (every X days).

lastUpdate: Dynamic and indicates the last time auto update was run on the computer. This value will change any time updates are downloaded.

EdpAllowEdit: Provides the ability to prevent users from modifying EDDs. The default value is True. Valid values are "", "True", "False".


Note: The default value of Connection Timeout is 30 seconds. It is possible to change this value either through the Connection String Options field or by adding the connectionOptions add key value.


Other Configuration Variables


networkFolder: Should contain the UNC path (or mapped network drive) where the network license files are located. Subsequent versions store the network licenses in the EQuIS Database.

dataProvider: Indicates what type of database the application will be connecting to.

For SQL Server use:


databaseConnection (encrypted data, do not alter): The last database connection used. Used to support network licensing for some third-party interfaces.

licenses: EQuIS Product licenses for this workstation. Keys are tied to the Workstation ID and are not valid on other workstations.

useNetworkLicenses: Optional setting to enable or disable use of Network licenses. The default value is True.

Setting this value to False will prevent EQuIS from attempting to check out network licenses, using a workstation/local license instead.

Setting this value to Config and adding a connection string entry within the Configuration section will always use the connection string provided to access licensing, as described on the License Features page.

For information on the default value of this string for the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP), see the EDP.exe.config page.

connectionOptions: In the example above, the option increases the Connection Timeout to avoid timeout errors.

XlsForceNumeric: To force exported numbers to always take on numeric formatting when exporting to Excel, add <add key="XlsForceNumeric" value="True"/>.

If set to "False" then numbers will be exported as text.

By setting this to "True" all numbers are exported as numbers, which means that Excel reads some CAS numbers as dates.

XlsForceStyle: The default XlsForceStyle value is "Normal" and means that styles, formatting lines, alignments and formatted cell borders and colors are applied to the output Excel file if no XlsForceStyle is added into the EQuIS.exe.config, appSetting section.
If the appSetting exists and is "None" (<add key="XlsForceStyle" value="None"/>), and there is no conflicting setting in ST_CONFIG, then no styles or formatting are applied to the output Excel file, regardless of the type of the column.
The settings are:

None - No style setting will be applied.

Normal - Basic style setting.

Efficient - High performance style setting. Use if you are experiencing "out of memory" errors when exporting the crosstab report to Excel. This will apply the styles to rows and columns, instead of individual cells so it will appear that the style extends past the data table part of the sheet. This is expected behavior.


If working with a large set of data or if exporting to Excel is very slow, the following steps are strongly suggested:

Set XlsForceStyle in EQuIS.exe.config to None or to Efficient.

Set Limit columns per page to of the Crosstab user interface to 250 or less, and/or

Add cell borders and/or any other formats manually in Excel (i.e. select all worksheets first and then add cell border lines that will apply to all worksheets at one operation), if necessary.