Tabular View Toolbar

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Tabular View Toolbar

EQuIS Professional offers several options that allow viewing and exporting the data in EQuIS Data Tables. After opening a Data Table, the Tabular View can be easily modified.




List of Options



Enable filtering in columns. Click the Filter button Filter-Standard(1) in a column to select specific values.


Pin specific columns for easy data review when scrolling back and forth.

Column Chooser

Choose columns to hide or unhide.


Select a font size using the drop-down menu to temporarily change the grid display.


Search for information in rows and columns of tables using the Find and Replace Dialog. Click the Find icon in the toolbar or use shortcut Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H.


Refresh tables to display recent changes.


Save changes made to a table.


Note: Save is not an option in Views in EQuIS Professional. A View contains methods to review data, not to modify data.



Change the appearance of column headers and rows.


Example - Changing Appearance of Tables


To change the appearance of Key (required) columns in a table (red by default):

1.Click Data Tables Tables-Table (located in the Open group of the Home tab).

2.Select DT_FACILITY and click Open.oh

3.Click the Options button Settings-32-green.

4.Expand Appearances and Column Headers.

5.Click Key Column.

6.Scroll down, click ForeColor and change to Dark Green.

7.Click OK.

8.The Key column headers are now dark green.



Toggle Notes Column, not available in Views.

Toggle Add New

Toggle Add New Box, not available in Views.

Data Delete

Cascade Delete, not available in Views. Deletes selected row(s) and all child rows in the database.

Data Find

Finds all child records in the database, not available in Views.

Excel Export

Export table contents to Excel.


Exports Drop-Down Menu (arrow next to Export to Excel button)


Display in Google Earth (requires X_COORD and Y_COORD as row headers).


Export as a Shapefile.


Send to printer.

PDF Export(1)

Export as a .pdf file.

File Next-WF(1)

Export as a text (.txt) file.


Save as type options include:

Tab Separated (*.txt)

Comma separated (*.csv)

HTML (*.htm)

JSON Schema/Data (*.json) - This is the concise JSON format typically used in Enterprise widgets that lists the columns once, then lists each row as an array of values.

JSON Table (*.json) - This is a more verbose JSON format that lists each row as an object with properties.

Compressed Data Table (*.cdt) - This is a compressed, binary format (not human-readable).


Export to Access .mdb file.


Export to .xml. Note that if you are exporting to XML for the purpose of importing through EDP to an EQuIS database, review this Known Issue forum post.

Check Mark(1)

Open Export (deselecting this option prevents exports from opening, once created).



Create an XY Chart.


Create an XYZ Chart.


Create a Trend Chart.


Create a RDL Report.


Create a Crosstab Report.

R Project

Launch and export to RStudio.