REST API (22.1)

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REST API (22.1)






REST API: Fixed GIS Layer Endpoints Order of Operations for Getting Facility ID [d12900]

Fixed a bug in the REST API GIS layer report endpoints that was setting an incorrect spatial reference in some cases.





REST API: PATCH api/files Endpoint to Support Resumable Chunked Uploads [d13866]

Updated the PATCH api/files endpoint to support large partial file uploads, which can be resumed and subsequently completed in chunks.





REST API: GET api/download/file/{fileId} Endpoint DownloadController Returns 416 Range Not Satisfiable for Partially Uploaded Files [d17019]

Added a 416 Range Not Satisfiable response to the DownloadController api/download/file/{fileId} GET endpoint for partially uploaded files.





REST API: New HEAD api/files/{fileId} Endpoint Returns the Content-length of a Partially Uploaded File [d17090]

 Added a HEAD api/files/{fileId} endpoint that allows users to check the content-length of a partially uploaded file.





REST API: Remove PUT api/users/reset_password Endpoint [d17111]

Removed the PUT api/users/reset_password Endpoint, which was deprecated in the 7.21.2 Build. Use POST api/users/token as a replacement.





REST API: Remove GET api/download/AdHocReportOutput Endpoint [d17591]

Removed the GET api/download/AdHocReportOut endpoint, which was deprecated in the 7.21.2 Build. Use GET api/reports/{reportId}/data as a replacement.





REST API: GET api/files/{fileId} Endpoint Returns 416 Range Not Satisfiable for Partially Uploaded Files [d17598]

Added a 416 Range Not Satisfiable response to the REST API GET FileController api/files/{fileId} endpoint for partially uploaded files.





REST API: Group API Endpoint Returns Display Order and Report Order [d17959]

Updated the /api/groups endpoint to return group members that include displayOrder and reportOrder properties.