Link (7.20.2)

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Link (7.20.2)





Link: Batch Processing Performance Issues [m182929]

Improved batch processing performance in EQuIS Link. Instead of producing a set of text files and attached files in a zip file, Link now produces a single XML data file and attached data files inside the zip file.





Link: Mapper Ignores Bad Table Mappings [m185286]

If data mapping targets non-existent tables, the data mappings errors are ignored and output to the log file. Users should review the mapper log file to verify correct data mappings. In addition, the mapper no longer uses reference tables when processing the "Any" table mapping option.





Link: Add New Functions [m185358]






Link: License Not Released When EDP Closes [m187477]

EQuIS Link licenses are now released as soon as EDP is closed.





Link: AGS Dates Not Interpreted Correctly [m188161]

Added a #units field for the AGS data source to allow access to the declared units.
Fixed the JSON function so it returns the original values in the JSON and does not convert to uppercase.