Geotechnical (7.20.2)

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Geotechnical (7.20.2)





Geotechnical Format: Allow Vane_Test Section to Associate with Either a Sample or a Location [m184720]

The Vane_Test section in the Geotechnical Format can associate with either a SYS_SAMPLE_CODE or SYS_LOC_CODE.





Geotechnical Format: Add Drill_Parameter Section [m184721]

Added a Drill_Parameter section to the Geotechnical Format.





Geotechnical Format and Schema: Add Custom Fields to DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION Table and Associated EDD Sections [m184722]

Added CUSTOM_FIELD_1 through CUSTOM_FIELD_5 to the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table in the Geotechnical Schema. Added CUSTOM_FIELD_1 through CUSTOM_FIELD_5 to the Standard_Penetration section of the Geotechnical Format.





Geotechnical Format: Add Various Fields [m184729]

Made several changes to the Geotechnical format, including:
-Added SPT_TYPE field to Standard_Penetration section, which maps to DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION.SPT_TYPE.
-Added BEARING field to Location_Data section, which maps to DT_LOCATION.BEARING.
-Added RECOVERY_LENGTH, RQD_LENGTH, and LENGTH_UNIT fields to the Coring section. The RECOVERY_LENGTH and RQD_LENGTH fields are converted to percent values using the START_DEPTH, END_DEPTH, and LENGTH_UNIT values and are then stored in DT_GEO_CORING.RECOVERY_PERCENT and DT_GEO_CORING.RQD_PERCENT.