EnviroInsite (7.21.2)

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EnviroInsite (7.21.2)




EnviroInsite - Boring Logs Template - Column Groups/Visibility [d5757]

EnviroInsite Boring Log Template downhole data objects may now be toggled on/off, and grouped to resize dynamically across disabled data objects.





EnviroInsite - Installer - Add Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable [d6723]

EnviroInsite now includes required Visual C++ Redistributables in its installer, xcopy, and Enterprise packages.





EnviroInsite - Replace Bing Maps with Azure Maps [d6775]

Bing Maps have been replaced with Azure Maps.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs Template - Dynamic Title Section [d6876]

Boring Log Template Designer now automatically creates title blocks for data fields added to the template.
It is now possible to move multiple objects at once in the template designer with the SHIFT key.





Revised EnviroInsite Boring Log Library [d7666]

The EnviroInsite boring log templates available in the install folder under EnviroInsite\Examples\Log Templates and Professional\Examples\Log Templates have been revised and updated.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Fixed Duplicate Well Construction Text Labels [d8177]

An issue has been fixed in EnviroInsite where duplicate well construction text labels were created when generating boring logs.





EnviroInsite - Update FN Functions to EQuIS Functions [d8814]

The EQuIS EnviroInsite database functions have been updated to the latest EQuIS functions. This does not change any of the functionality in EQuIS EnviroInsite.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Printing "Refusal" Related Text [d8883]

Termination text may now be added to the end of boring logs in EQuIS EnviroInsite.