EDP (7.20.3)

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EDP (7.20.3)




EDP Professional: Update Commit Button to be Logical [m167102]

Selecting either the Commit Button or its drop-down arrow on the EDP Professional ribbon will display the drop-down menu of commit types.





EDP: Unable to Load .xlsx Files Due to Named Ranges with No Value [m179952]

Fixed an issue with loading File's named ranges with no value.





EDP: Reference Values Move to Package Tables During Create Step [m186488]

Resolved issue in EDP where selecting "Clear Package" after Create/Commit would clear some reference values from the Reference Values tab. Also, resolved issue where unused reference values were brought into the package after the Create step.





EDP: Behavior with Ctrl H [m187008]

Disabled Ctrl-H delete in EDP.





EDP: Sorting A to Z Button Does Not Work [m188726]

Fix an issue with A to Z sorting button in EDP.





HZST Format: Add RowFilter Fix [m188737]

Corrected HZST Format to remove incorrect RowFilter applied to DT_SAMPLE and DT_TEST.





EDP: Showing Old EDP Icon in Windows Explorer [m188830]

Updated EDP file icon





EDP: Improve Accuracy of ST_EDD_BATCH.EDD_ROWS Value [m189536]

The ST_EDD_ROWS.EDD_ROWS value was not always giving an accurate number of rows inserted/updated by the EDD. This issue has been fixed so the value now represents the correct number of rows.





EDP: Icon Issue in Installation Folder and Taskbar [m189814]

Fix an issue with uploading image resources for different language.





EDP: Error During Create Step When Column 'EUID' Does Not Belong to Table [m190699]

Fixed an issue in EDP and Enterprise 7.20.2 where errors were generated during the EDD package Create step for formats that did not contain EUID columns.