EDGE (22.1)

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EDGE (22.1)






EDGE Format: Updated Mapping for FieldSample_v1.SPM_SAMPLE_ID [d13348]

The EDGE format now maps FieldSample_v1.SPM_SAMPLE_ID to DT_SAMPLE.SPM_SAMPLE_ID.





EDGE Format: Increased Character Limits for Certain Fields Within the Well_Redevelopment Section [d13362]

The EDGE format now uses increased character limits in the Well_Redevelopment section to match the character limits used in the database.

The character limits have been increased from 7 characters to 10 characters for the following fields:
  • IntervVol
  • TotalVol
  • TotalVolDev
  • FlowRate
  • FlowRateDev
  • Temp
  • SpecCond
  • pH
  • Turb
The character limit has been increased from 255 characters to 2000 characters for the following field:
  • Notes





EDGE Format: Outer Diameter of a Well Segment No Longer Calculated if Value Previously Set [d13682]

The outer_diameter field in with WellConstruction_v1 section of the EDGE format is no longer automatically calculated if a value has been entered manually in EDP.





EDGE: Values Within an EDD Across Surveys From Multiple Sub-Facility Codes Now Persist [d14347]

Values within an EDD now persist for survey records across multiple sub-facility codes when "Persist Value" is selected for a column.





EDGE COC Manager: Fixed Bug Where Selected Records Not Being Deleted Correctly [d17881]

Fixed a bug in the EDGE COC Manager that affected which selected records were being deleted. Now, all manually selected records are being deleted successfully.





EDGE Format: Equipment_parameter_v1.Comment Field Now Allows 2000 Characters [d18105]

Updated the EDGE format Equipment_parameter_v1.Comment field to allow for 2000 characters to align with the database mapping to DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER.REMARK. 





EDGE Format: Fixed Custom Handler Error [d18106]

Fixed a bug in the EDGE Format when Live Data is enabled that resulted in the following error being thrown: "Method 'GetLiveField16SeriesId' not found in the custom handler".





EDGE: Fixed "FieldResult_v1.sample_matrix_code" Not Updating When "FieldSample_v1.sample_matrix_code" Modified [d19181]

Fixed a bug where changing the FieldSample_v1.sample_matrix_code did not update the FieldResults_v1.sample_matrix_code.