ArcEQuIS (7.21.2)

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ArcEQuIS (7.21.2)





ArcEQuIS - Graphics by Locations - Error Handling [d5913]

Error handling for the Graphics by Location options has been improved.





ArcEQuIS Works with Esri Authentication when ArcGIS Online (or ArcGIS Portal) uses External Identity Provider [d6160]

The Esri authentication option on the ArcEQuIS Add Site screen was not working for clients using an external identity provider with the ArcGIS Online (or ArcGIS Portal). This was because the user information returned by the Esri REST API is not the same as when using basic authentication. This issue has been resolved.





ArcEQuIS - Add Microsoft AAD Sign On [d6870]

ArcEQuIS users can now connect to EQuIS sites using Microsoft Single Sign On/Azure Active Directory.





ArcEQuIS - New Project Remembers Previous Enterprise Connections [d9304]

ArcEQuIS projects no longer remember Enterprise connections from previously opened projects.