SPM - Work Request Summary Report

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SPM - Work Request Summary Report

Report Name: SPM - Work Request Summary (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.99349.dll

Dependencies: Licensed SPM and SPM Schema

Software: SPM

Source: SPM install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: The SPM - Work Request Summary generates a formatted Microsoft Excel report that has Project and Task information. It summarizes work requested by location and allows you to include comments.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database. For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary. For Enterprise usage, this report should be published to the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.


Overview: The Work Request Summary Report requires an Excel template to be published to the database. By default, the report calls for a template file named SPM_Work_Order.xlsx. An example of such a template is included in the SPM install directory at .\Program Files\EarthSoft\SPM\Report Templates\. This file may be uploaded to the database via EQuIS Enterprise or via EQuIS Professional using the Docs and Photos form. Once the file record exists in the DT_FILE table, open the table and add "spm work" to the PLACE_TYPE field. Formatting may be customized in this example file, but changes to the layout, like adding, removing or relocating fields, will result in incorrect output.  



Report Parameters

Plan Code

Parameter to select the sample plan code. Only plans with applicable tasks are shown.

Task Filter

Date Range


Select a start date.


Select an end date.


Parameter for selecting department(s).

Monitoring Program

Parameter for selecting monitoring program.

Monitoring Type

Parameter for selecting monitoring type.


Parameter for selecting authority.

Authority Type

Parameter for selecting authority type.

Task Type

Parameter for selecting task type.

Priority Ranking

Parameter for selecting priority ranking.

Person Name(s)

Parameter for selecting person(s).

Company Code(s)

Parameter for selecting company code(s).

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting SPM task code(s).

Date of Request

Select a request date.

QA/QC Type

Select a sample type code.

Requested by

Select one person the work request is from.

Requested to

Select one person the work request is for.

Facility Manager

Input for the facility manager's name.

Facility Manager's Phone

Input for the facility manager's phone number.

Former Owner

Input for the former owner's name.


This section includes 5 input boxes for additional comments.


This section includes pairs of input boxes for deliverable description and deliverable due date for up to 3 deliverables.

Output Template File Name

Excel Report Template

Select a work order report template file from dt_file.

Word Bar Code Template

Select a Word Bar Code Template. This will overwrite excel output if selected.

Word Bar Code Template

Bar Code Type

Bar code type selection for Word Bar Code Template. Code128BBarcode or QRBarcode.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.