Install EQuIS Professional via xcopy

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Install EQuIS Professional via xcopy

Use the xcopy Install

Enabling Application Buttons for X-Copy


EQuIS Professional is now available as an xcopy zip install. This means that Professional can be run on a machine without doing a full uninstall/install. The xcopy zip file does not contain the older versions of third party dependencies (e.g., Infragistics, Syncfusion, etc.).


Use the xcopy Install


1.Download the Professional xcopy zip install from the Downloads Dashboard on the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC).

2.Unblock the downloaded zip file.

3.Extract the zip file.

4.If on an x86 (32-bit) machine (only), copy all of the files from the .\EQuIS\x86 folder into the .\EQuIS folder (overwrite existing files as necessary).

5.(Optional). If not already, rename the folder to EQuIS and copy the folder and its contents into C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\ (note that this step is only needed if you wish to enable the EnviroInsite button on the top ribbon).

6.Browse to ./EQuIS.exe and double-click to run.


Enabling Application Buttons for X-Copy


Certain buttons in the EQuIS Professional ribbon link to other EarthSoft programs. To open EnviroInsite and SPM, EQuIS Professional looks for the following paths in the parent folder above the "EQuIS" folder (e.g. "Installs" in Downloads\Installs\EQuIS):






If x-copy builds are also being used for EnviroInsite and SPM, these must be renamed to remove the build reference from the folder. For example, "EnviroInsite 7.21.3" must become "EnviroInsite".


Clicking the EDGE button in EQuIS Professional will prompt the user to provide a file path.