Spatial Completeness Report

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Spatial Completeness Report

The Spatial Completeness Report, included in the Sample Planning Module (SPM), can be plotted within a Traffic Light Map widget using the following method:

1.Create a user report using the SPM - Spatial Completeness Summary Report in EQuIS Professional, SPM, or Enterprise.

2.In EQuIS Enterprise, open the dashboard on which the Spatial Completeness map is required.

3.Select the Add Widget icon as described in the Dashboard Editor article.

4.Select the Traffic Light (Map) Widget from the Widget Chooser.

5.Open the Widget Editor.

6.From the Report Chooser, select the user report created in Step 1. Further refinements may be made to the report parameters by clicking on the Edit button Ent-Report_Edit-icon to open the Report Parameter Editor for the selected report. A user with editor permission on the selected report may update the report.

7.Enter the appropriate Tooltip template. See the Traffic Light Map widget article for more details.

8.For the OK (Ent-Traffic_Light_Widget_OK_Icon) icon, select Report Column = 'Status', Operator = '=' and Value = 'C'. This will plot a green icon where all sampling has been completed.

9.For the Warning (Ent-Traffic_Light_Widget_Warning_Icon) icon, select Report Column = 'Status', Operator = '=' and Value = 'I'. This will plot an amber icon where sampling is incomplete.

10.For the Alert (Ent-Traffic_Light_Widget_Alert-Icon) icon, select Report Column = 'Status', Operator = '=' and Value = 'N'. This will plot a red icon where sampling has not been undertaken.

11.For the Unknown (Ent-Traffic_Light_Widget_Unknown_Icon) icon, select Report Column = 'Status', Operator = '=' and Value = 'U'. This will plot a blue icon where sampling was unplanned.

12.Chose the appropriate base map.



The report will run and, after a few minutes, create a base map with traffic light symbols to illustrate the sampling completeness.


Minimum Enterprise Permissions Required to Create the Report

Dashboard – Editor

Traffic Light Widget – Creator and Editor

Spatial Completeness Report – Creator and Editor

Facility – Viewer


Enterprise Permissions Required to View the Report

Dashboard – Viewer

Traffic Light Widget – Viewer

Spatial Completeness Report – Viewer

Facility – Viewer


Click here for Permissions documentation.