Customize Toolbar GUI

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Customize Toolbar GUI

Customize Icon Size

Removing Customization


The grid display in EQuIS Professional features a toolbar with options for viewing and exporting the data. The options vary based on the type of report or table you are viewing. See also Table and View Options for details on what the options are.


The toolbar can be customized to reflect personal preferences as shown below. Any customization you make are applied to both the table and report toolbars.




Customize Icon Size


The icons on the toolbar are set to Large by default. To make all of the icons on the toolbar small:


1.Open the customize window.

2.Navigate to the Options tab.

3.Click to remove the Check in the check box next to "Large Icons on Toolbars".

4.Click to remove the Check in the check box next to "Large Icons on Menus".




Other options for customization, such as reordering buttons, are also available.


Removing Customization


After opening the customization window, a .xml settings file is created:


%appdata%\EarthSoft\EarthSoft.Reports.Toolbar.[Culture code*].


* Culture code refers to the language/culture settings used by the machine's Windows/EQuIS Professional, e.g. "en-US". See Using EQuIS with Different Regional Settings or Languages for more information on this setting.